We thought we would take a moment to say Thank You for all the Great Work we have done together over the past 2 years as COVID19 has affected us and our Companies. We know that there is more to do!
Recently, we were contacted by a reporter who claimed he was from Forbes Magazine inquiring about our Company (Integrityjobs.com & Integrity Technical Services, Inc.) and what we thought the direction of the Country was heading amongst other things.
Obviously, our main focus is on placing as many people as humanly possible with as many great employers all across the U.S.A. Our belief that a common sense approach to running the Country and encouraging economic growth while living within our budget is logical. Passing Spending Bills in excess of Federal Revenue / Tax Receipts seems impractical and may well have a negative impact on the creation of jobs, unintended job losses and increased taxes on corporations and individuals to repay the debt that may cause an overall economic slowdown or worse.
We do not claim to have all of the answers although we believe that a balanced budget is a great start. We do feel that some of our National problems may be reduced if we took more time and care to provide access to additional affordable education and training programs to help lift up all U.S Citizens.
For the moment, we have put off discussing any article with Forbes Magazine. We do appreciate their interest in looking for a story about us. So, for now we are going to concentrate on what we do best!
If your Company is looking to fill Open Positions or If You are looking for a Great Career Opportunity...Call Us Today in Akron, Ohio at: (330)-633-6500, Toll Free: (888)-262-3226 or Cleveland, Ohio at: (440)-257-3232
200+ Jobs Openings Need Candidate Resumes: [email protected]
Visit Our Website at: www.integrityjobs.com
Equal Opportunity Employer-Discrimination of ANY KIND is Illegal-All People are WELCOME to Apply-Hire & Train a Veteran Today!
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