We Are An Answered Prayer & The Future Needs Us

We Are An Answered Prayer & The Future Needs Us

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Did you know that we have learning courses on LinkedIn Learning??We've shared interviews with executives, entrepreneurs, activists, educators, influencers, and elected officials about topics relevant to both aspirational allies and those on the margins. Through podcasts, web shows, content lists, white papers, blogs, and more, we engage voices that often go unheard and have real talk in a corporate world. Check out one of our courses today! Choose from a host of subjects, such as "The Value of Employee Resource Groups" and "Branding Your Authentic Self." Just click the photo or?here ?to learn more.

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There is a popular quote from our ancestor, Zora Neale Hurston, “All my kinfolk ain't my skinfolk.” What this means is that our Black bodies do not make us immune from the harmful impacts of internalized oppression. This can show up in how we see ourselves, and also in how we engage with and treat each other, especially in the workplace. This virtual workshop will have?two sessions.?Only register if you can attend both sessions. Our intention is to keep the audience for both sessions small(ish) and build community across the two, connected, events. You will need to register for a (free!) ticket for each session -- both January 11th and 20th. Click the photo or?here ?to both learn more about the workshop and sign up for the sessions!

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Brittany Janay ?ends this season of Liberated Love Notes in a posture of gratitude and love, reminding us that we are somebody's answered prayer and wildest dream. We might get a bit distracted by all the things we didn't accomplish or resolutions we might set for the year to come. Brittany reminds us that our just BEing is someone's answered prayer, our ancestor's wildest dream. And... that is worth celebrating. In the spirit of celebration, she ends this episode and season with one of her favorite poems by Lucille Clifton. Listen by clicking the photo or?here .

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Brittany Janay ?offers a loving note of accountability, a remembering of the words of Audre Lorde, "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." She encourages us to reflect on the ways in which we have internalized white supremacy and colonialism, and reproduced them in our own spaces and work. Brittany reminds us that liberation can only be realized when all Black people are free, and challenges us to reconsider what we're really "building" if that ain't the goal.?Listen by clicking the photo or?here .

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Brittany Janay ?passes the mic to Claudia Shivers, who offers a note of loving accountability to lighter skinned Black women. There's been a lot of discussion in the "mainstream" about colorism, and the insidious nature of white supremacy's manifestation within community. In this week's episode of Liberated Love Notes, Claudia speaks her truth as a darker skinned Black woman and offers a open letter, love note and reminder to her sistas that, inasmuch as there is a shared experience in our Blackness, sometimes "your Black ain't like mine."?Listen by clicking the photo or?here .

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Brittany Janay ?pulls three cards from the Liberated Love Notes deck that take her back to the origin story of Liberated Love Notes. She reflects on how her own personal experiences, learnings, unlearnings led her to create, and she uses this to affirm the divine purpose of our experiences. In other words, whatever we are going through in our present can be and will be used for the greater good of the collective. Our ancestors are also a reminder of this. Brittany affirms and calls on us to remember that the future needs you ... needs us.?Just click?the photo or?here .

Maybar Durst

Curating unforgettable experiences for Corporate events anywhere, any time, for every budget & everyone | Co- Founder and CEO @OfCourse marketplace | Board Member | Angel Investor | CHIEF member |

2 年

Zachary, thanks for sharing! Great post.



