We are always perfect and others need correction
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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I remember my aunt (Mausi) used to say it very often, "the natural beauty is the way you look, when you wake up from sleep, otherwise we always wear the make up and dresses that make up our personality. There are many aspects to this question such as - talking about physical appearance, their kind nature towards everyone, their grades in studies or career, etc. It totally depends upon which factor you give importance to. Also there might be some people who are all rounder in every field of their life. Let me give you an example. By whom do we get influenced the most? Some movie /TV celebrities, right?
One day after a long day of just scrolling Instagram down, I found this post by which I was really awestruck. At that time I didn't used to write on social media so I just saved it on my Instagram account. Okay so let me make you clear that it takes lot of guts for an actress to post the real truth about her beauty. We always wondered that how perfect life these celebrities have but now as we have uncovered the truth, we know that physical appearance is not perfect of everyone.
Of course there are some people who have a great skin, body, hair - but we must understand one thing that - it is not the only ultimate factor of perfection. If physical appearance is not the ultimate factor than what about Inner beauty? Now obviously everybody know's the answer, right? Inner beauty includes - being kind to everyone, generosity, sense of humor, confidence and also Self care.It is not like there are people only with outer beauty and only with inner beauty. Some people may have both, some may have only one quality.
It does not mean that the person whom you once categorized into inner beauty group would never make a mistake or lose control on his/her behavior. Having control on behavior is in our hands but losing control totally depends upon our emotions.You might be wondering that now I am telling you neither outer beauty is perfect nor inner beauty. Learn to breathe properly. For most part of the day, our breathing is shallow. Breathe from the diaphragm for at least a couple of times in a day. No, the truth is that perfect isn't a thing. It's not that there's a perfect standard out there and no one had attained it yet. Instead, there's too many versions of awesome to narrow them down to a single perfect. Perfection isn't even an in thing.
This releases tension. Tell yourself not to panic when confronted with a problem. Try to think of a solution. No matter how much you earn, try to save a portion of the earning before you start spending. Don’t do any work superficially. It becomes a habit. Don’t hurry when there is no need to but don’t be lethargic when there is a need to carry out a task expeditiously. Keep your word both to others and to yourself. Eat only when you are hungry.
There are many people who have money but are never satisfied for their own tantrums and then there are people who are always willing to share their half roti to a hungry person.Being satisfied in what you have is the real thing here. Now don't be like I am satisfied with my career so I won't work more hard to get any promotion.Here I am talking about earning and giving a little amount to needy. Also, no matter how hard one tries to be perfect he would always end up being imperfect for someone else. Now the conclusion is that being perfect is never in our hands. It totally depends upon how the other person sees us.Nobody is perfect but finally it's our call to whom we want to keep and to whom we want to let go. Cheers!