We also design&produce Airway-Cleaners

Airway-Cleaners(Oscillation Eliminating Sputum Machines for respiratory system)

Whole Anocelia Highly-Frequent Pulses Expectorating System with Optional Nebulizer

(Gasbag)Oscillation Expectorating(Eliminating Sputum) Machines for Respiratory System

1. Certificates: ISO13485, CFDA(Chinese Food&Drug Administration, China National Medical Products Administration)

2. MOQ(Minimum Order Quantity): 1set

3. UOQ(Usual Order Quantity): from 1set/type to 20sets/type

4. Usual Life-Span: over 3 years

5. Usual Warranty Periods: 1 year after delivery

6. Delivery: EXW(EX Works) first

7. Usual Payment: RMB(Chinese currency) 30% as deposit by transfer and the balance 70% paid between check and delivery

8. Available Working Temperatures: from 5℃ to 40℃

9. Available Working RH(Relative Humidity): lower than 80%

10. Available Working AP(Ambient Pressure): from 86kPa to 106kPa

11. Available Storing Temperatures: from -40℃ to 70℃

12. Available Storing RH(Relative Humidity): lower than 95%

13. Available Storing AP(Ambient Pressure): from 50kPa to 106kPa

14. Available Input Power Supply: Single-Phase(1φL+N+PE) AC(Alternating Current), 100V to 240V, 50Hz to 60Hz

15. Display&Operation:

(1) An ACS201 has a 5.6inch Colorized LCD Touch-Screen

(2) An ACS202 has a 7inch Colorized LCD Touch-Screen

16. UI(User Interfaces can't be changed after delivery):

(1)in both English&Chinese

(2)only in English

(3)only in Chinese

17. Pressures of Compressed&Pulsating Air pumped into the Gasbag inside the vest or chest wrap belt to vibrate the Whole Anocelia: 11levels from 0.5KPa to 3.9KPa, can be changed during Vibration without pause, Step Size 0.34KPa, usually chosen from 5levels to 6levels for adults or 1level to 4levels for children

18. Length of 2 semi-rigid tubes linked with Gasbag to pump Compressed&Pulsating Air: each is usually 1.1m but can be changed as customization

19. Frequency of Vibration: from 5Hz to 20Hz, can be changed during Vibration without pause, Step Size 1Hz, usually chosen from 8Hz to 15Hz for adults or 5Hz to 13Hz for children

20. Standing(Continuous Time) of Vibration: count-down from 1min to 60min, can be changed during Vibration without pause, Step Size 1min, usually chosen from 5min to 20min

21. Frequentness of Treatment: from 2times/day to 6times/day

22. Noises: no more than 65dB

23. Breaking Strength of Vests, Chest Wrap Belts and Gasbags inside: no less than 20N

24. Semi-Disposable Accessories can only be hand-washed:

(1) 3 Velcro-fastened Nonwoven-Fabrics Vests

(2) 3 Velcro-fastened Nonwoven-Fabrics Chest Wrap Belts

25. Optional Accessories: More Vests or Chest Wrap Belts, even those of other sizes.

26. Upgraded Functions&Modules&Parts: There is a Nebulizer, which can't be added in ACS201, inside ACS202.

(1) Standing(Continuous Time) of Nebulization without count-down function: can over 4h, but can only be stopped manually by click the touch screen

(2) Pressures of Compressed Air for Nebulization: usually from 30KPa to 130KPa

(3) Maximum Effusions of Compressed Air for Nebulization: no less than 10L/min

(4) Maximum Effusions of Nebulization: no less than 0.2ml/min

(5) Left liquid for Nebulization: no more than 1.5ml

27. Usual Prices include cost of Accessories but including fees of neither optional Accessories nor shipping, also not including cost on certificates&registers out of China: ACS201 is 25000RMB/set and ACS202 is 37000RMB/set

28. Pictures:

(1) ACS201


(2) ACS202


29. Indications:

(1) It is difficult to expectorate sputum through the upper respiratory tract because of Nerval&Muscular illnesses such as DMD(Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy), Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Chronic Bronchitis, COPD(Chronic-Obstructive-Pulmonary-Diseases such as chronic obstructive emphysema), Atelectasis, MA(Muscular Atrophy), etc.

(2) HFCWO(High-Frequency Chest-Wall Oscillation) therapy also contributes to Recovery of Pneumonia such as COVID19.


30. Usages:

Contribute to nursing in wards(sickrooms) of ICU(Intensive Care Units), Respiratory Department, Neurologic Department, etc

Can replace manual Chirapsia contributing to Expectoration

As easy as microwave oven to use


30. Absolute Contraindications:

(1) Wounded Head&Neck

(2) Massive Bleeding


31. Relative Contraindications:

(1) ICP(IntraCranial Pressure) over 20mmHg

(2) Wounded Antisternum

(3) Bronchopleural Fistula

(4) Pneumonedema(Pulmonary Edema) with Congestive Heart-Failure

(5) Have too much Pleural Effusion even Empyema

(6) Pulmonary Embolism

(7) Fracture of Rib even with Flail Chest

(8) Swelling of Wound&Callus&Dermatoplasty&Anocelia

(9) Uncontrollable Hypertension(High Blood-Pressure)

(10) Ventosity

(11) Recent Operation on Esophagus

(12) Serious Hemoptysis

(13) Uncontrollable Respiratory Dangers

(14) Aerodermectasia(Cutaneous Emphysema)

(15) Recent Epidural Infusion&Anesthesia into Spinal-Cord

(16) Pectoral Ambustions&Wounds&Infections

(17) Have Intravenous Pacemaker or Subcutaneous Pacemaker

(18) Hemodynamic Instability

(19) Borderline Phthisis(Pulmonary Tuberculosis)

(20) Pulmonary Contusion(Contusion of Lung)

(21) Bronchiospasm&Bronehotetany

(22) Osteoporosis

(23) Osteomyelitis of Rib

(24) Blood-Coagulation Disorders

(25) Chest-Wall Pain

(26) Tumor in upper body

(27) Ventricular Fibrillation

(28) Myocardial Infarction




Location: Building B4 in Sci-tech Industrial Park of the Nanjing Tech University, No.15 Wanshou(Macrobian)lu(Road), Pukou District of Nanjing, the capital of the Jiangsu Province, PRC.江苏省南京市浦口区万寿路15号南京工大科技产业园东区B4幢南京乐基医疗器械


https://www.wechat.com/en/????WeChat of Sales Director Ms Yan: +8618795803721

First, long click the Chinese message you received.

Next, choose the translating function in the pop-up menu.

Then, the Chinese message will be translated into your acquiescent language by AI(Artificial Intelligence).

You can directly contact Chinese factories by WeChat.


You can also let your procurement department arrange the RFQ(Request for Quotation).


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