We all want to be seen.........
Christian Brillinger
Sales specialist / CTO… “Change yourselves. Change the world. The very act of trying will inspire you. No one is saying it’s easy – it isn’t – but nothing will change without effort and struggle.” Adam Weishaupt ????????
Acknowledgement is what we all deeply desire, no matter where and who we are..... be it in the bedroom at work or in kindergarten as we present proudly what little toy or sand castle we have created......in itself this could be seen as deepest part of human nature and interaction.....truly not to be judged.....but why do we develop the violent nature of neediness and forcefull attachment.....the reason is the way we acknowledge one another.....can we truly see the person asking for acknowledgement as a being beyond name or form...... or do we see our child our wife our car our precious possession....the moment we acknowledge what is behind the name the form and we observe without past, present or future.....try this out...see it for yourself......please..... observe a child, not by its name or by what you may want this child to be but without prejudice without a plan and without a past picture clouding this process....than you truly understand what the magic acknowledgement has deeply hidden within its own nature.
Christian Brillinger Ph.D. h.c.