We all want to invest in things that we’re SURE will work!
TODAY, my personal executive coach and mentor, Gary Ryan Blair, is opening his 100 Days Challenge course, an online, hardcore goal-setting program that reveals the most potent execution strategies for getting more accomplished in 100 days than most people do over the course of ten years: The 100 Day Challenge.
It works! I am an alumni of the program working through it several times over the past 5 years.
How do you know if it's right for you?
It's right if you want to become the kind of person who stops talking about doing things...and who actually makes big things happen.
The year is now half-way over...and if you look back at the last 6 months and see a lot of grand ideas, but you haven’t actually set the world on fire, I want to show you the exact strategy and systems I use to turn ideas into results -- quickly.
Once you learn, and act upon, the "rapid execution strategies", you'll not only achieve your goals faster, you'll do everything faster to include solving problems, attracting people and opportunity, building trust...driving sales, as well creating massive amounts of abundance in your life.
As to why you want to participate... and learn how to fast track your results...
We're all playing a high stakes game of one and done.
You have one life in which to do EVERYTHING you'll ever do...and it's in your best interest to learn how to spend the rest of your life getting big things done fast, rather than settle for doing small things slowly.
Listen, there’s no added virtue, nothing worth bragging about in getting rich slowly...in getting healthy slowly...in learning a new skill slowly...in turning your business around slowly...nor in achieving any goal slowly.
Unfortunately, most of us have been conditioned to believe that there is something wrong with achieving goals quickly, and or that the very idea is “fool’s gold” and implausible.
As someone who repeatedly, consistently, and quite routinely works with people and organizations who accelerate from standing starts to giant accomplishments, “achieving goals fast” is my reality (just ask the Lifelog Health team) ... and can soon become yours as well.
You have no legal, logical or moral obligation or justifiable reason to settle for small, marginal or incremental growth.
That’s why Gary created the 100 Day Challenge... and why I share with you the same exact methods I’ve learned to shatter sales goals, quickly grow a number of multi-million dollar businesses, and coach people to extraordinary, legacy defining performances.
I'm confident Gary can help you do the same.
Is the 100 Day Challenge demanding?
Does it require immense discipline, accountability, hard work, sustained commitment and good old-fashioned hustle?
You bet it does, but the results are RIDICULOUSLY HUGE.
And that's what you really want isn't it?
Perhaps, the most compelling reason to participate in the 100 Day Challenge is that time is finite. You are not getting any younger, and the marketplace is not getting any easier.
And, the sooner you learn how to fast track your goals...the sooner you’ll live happily ever after.
Once of my coaching mantras is, "GetCranking"!
Be Well,
Dr. Gordon Jones is a serial entrepreneur with his creative work born through his innovation development company, Birddog.Ventures. He is also the Founder and CEO of Lifelog Health, a new type of health information management company. Follow him above, connect with him on LinkedIn, and/or view all of DrJ's Pulse articles!
P.S. The 100 Day Challenge is backed by my 30-day guarantee.
That means you can try the program, and if procrastination doesn’t become a thing of the past, you can ask for a full refund.
Click here to take advantage of this guarantee.
P.P.S. Questions?
I'm in the office the rest of the afternoon and happy to any answer and questions you have, so just make a comment here and I'll be glad to answer!
Join me through our Create Yourself Series
7 年Have a good 4th Weekend and then get ready to maximize your effort in the 2nd half of 2017!