Background knowledge

The problem of credibility, good governance, people oriented focus ,accountability have become a recurring phenomenon in Nigeria The manifestations of  these problems  includes corruption, waste of human and material resources. However, of all these manifestations, corruption is the most pronounced.

The true meaning of SARS in our Public service

Corruption takes the form of low and non-existing performance, neglect of a recognized duty, job fragmentation and duplication unwarranted exercise of power, with the motive of gaining some advantages more or less directly personal., outright payments of ghost workers, favoritisms and nepotism, the appointment of unqualified, unskilled and incompetent personnel from political cronies so much that account for reason for our ever increasing recurrent expenditure in all our public institutions And most of the time diversion of public money into a private account, whilst falsifying documents-certificate of completion to back up request for payment of services not rendered, and wherever they make an attempt, the jobs executed will be highly inflated with extremely poor quality

According to Nye(1967:427) “corruption is behavior which deviates from the forward duties of a public role because of private regarding pecuniary or status gain” corruption occur when an individual illegally or illicitly puts personal interest above the interests of others and the ideals she or he is pledged to serve.

Nigeria in perspective

In Nigeria, the causes of corruption have a linkage to the nature and character of the Nigerian state that is characterized by mass poverty, deprivation, exclusion, and low level of development of the productive forces and social relations of production.

Problems of waste of resources cannot be overemphasized. the unnecessary duplication of government ministers and departments accounts for the massive waste of both human and material resources for example carving out-Ministries of Power, Aviation, Humanitarian, and disaster without any justification only for egocentric and thirst to serve the sectional interest in view of our dwindling revenue.

The unproductive nature of the Nigerian economy has resulted in a high premium to the extent that such establishments and ministries are created mainly to reward cronies and political rejects at polls. These problems have continued to overwhelming affect efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in Nigeria

 Nigeria needs to properly under a surgical operation rather than the usual palliative measures as a solution to the center, which has been a huge way of siphoning common wealth and mismanaging on social frivolities, all of which has not yielded any meaningful result

Which Way Forward?

There are five fundamental elements that constitute our practical and realistic agenda for fostering and promoting ethics and accountability in Nigeria. In other words, this practical agenda depicts

Sound Economic Foundation

A basic element and solution to the problems in Nigeria hinge on a sound economic foundation. Since the economy determines to a large extent the other aspects of life, it follows that good morals, ethics, and other society’s values can only be adhered to in a society where there is a solid, sound, and viable economic base. That is an economy that commands a high production capacity and enables the citizens to sufficiently meet their welfare needs.

Education as Foundation

Education, therefore, plays a pivotal role in this regard. That is a qualitative and functional education that can improve human capacity and innovativeness through science and technology. Indeed, this can transform the productive forces and the social relations of production in society and generally improve the quality of life of the people.

Reforms are now sacrosanct

Another important element towards eliminatinin problems of accountability  is to embark on radical and realistic and workable reforms rather than the usual cosmetic approach. Here we are concerned with reforms that have a human faces. Thus, there is a need for an enabling condition to be created. This has to do mainly with adequate pay packages and other economic incentives. Another realistic approach in the reform process should focus on the restructuring of all service sectors based on 7 points demand of the EndSARS movement to avoid unnecessary duplication of department and ministries and gross inefficiencies in the entire governance structure- across the three tiers of government. This would definitely prevent the waste of resources in the system.

These proposed radical changes of reforms across all our viable sectors will contribute immensely to enhancing and promoting professionalism, ethics, and accountability,.

Strengthening public institutions

Equally important as a tool for fostering and promoting ethics and accountability is the need to strengthen and reposition public institutions of accountability. This involves mainly the legislature and its institutions that are expected to promote accountability such as public accounts committee, the civil service commission, the public complaints commission, the accountant-general’s offices and Auditor-general’s office must be strengthened to be more focused and effective accountability mechanisms.

Quality Leadership

One of the agonizing problems confronting the Nigerian state is the leadership question.,Our leadership that has failed to bring about good governance deriving form the nature and character of the state.

Good governance entail the application of democratic principles in decision making process based on the socio-economic and political needs especially as it concerns the allocation of resources in the society. Indeed good governance implies constitutionalism, rule of law and due process. There is therefore, the need for visionary, committed, focused, disciplined, purposeful, responsible, selfless and mentally resourceful leadership that has the capacity to positively manipulate and propel Nigeria as a whole towards attaining a high degree of ethics and accountability in the system.


Foregoing analysis have clearly demonstrated that to fully understand the problems of Nigeria, we need to have a clear sense of history. A history that created a colonial state that reminds us of a Leviathan that was all the time busy consuming the people’s rights and resources. Here in lies the genesis of unethical behavior and lack of accountability in the entire governance structure. 

We can safely conclude that a sound economic base, realistic reforms as well as a competent and qualitative leadership remain a practical way out of the problem.

For more clarification and inquiries please contact Kenny Odugbemi-08032002585, @j_odugbemi, [email protected]



