We Are All Salespeople: We Are Always Selling Something
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We Are All Salespeople: We Are Always Selling Something

In life, we are always selling something or buying something. We are either successful at what we are doing or not.

From the street preacher on a busy corner to the newspaper vendor in the traffic jam to the executives in boardrooms and to the field agents in the marketplace; all are selling, this could be a product, a service and or an idea. We carry out a needs analysis and if it’s successful, then we go-ahead to pitch. With successful pitching, we aim at closing. Nonetheless, a successful pitch doesn’t guarantee a successful closure, though chances are high that with a successful pitch, it will be followed by a successful closure.

However, with this in mind, any salesperson should expect a “yes” or “no” at the closing stage of the sales process.

But what one does in a situation where one gets a “no” will make one ordinary or extraordinary/exceptional. Will one take “no” for an answer or not? That’s the question to be addressed.

An exceptional salesperson doesn’t take “no” for an answer, rather he/she strategically plays his/her cards again and turns that “no” into a “yes”.

Remember, to KISS all the way through the selling process.

K- keep

I- it

S- simple

S- stupid.

And the formula is as simple as ABC.

A- always

B- be

C- closing.

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