Are We All Robots? Offensive Robot Tests ? Prove you are not a robot. Are your relatives robots? ? ‘To be, or not to be?’ ‘A robot, that is the questi
Peter Bailey
Delivery Driver at Top Secret - My contract forbids me to say who I work for.
Are We All Robots? Offensive Robot Tests
?? The extremely offensive ‘Prove you are not a robot’ test cartoon appeared on Facebook in October 2023.
? A friend an ex secondary school fellow pupil, who wishes to be anonymous, posted…
‘We are all robots’
?? So I then posted, (with some slight modifications here’…
?? ‘Speak for yourself.
? ?Ah! That explains it!
?? Yes, SXXXXt (name altered with 4 X letters to keep him anonymous at his request), depending on how you define a robot, one could say that we are all robots.
?? ?If a robot is a machine with a fair amount of intelligence to think for itself and do some mechanical or other operations, created by another, different being, or process, such as evolution, which itself may have been initiated by another different being, then yes, we humans and all other animals, including monkeys, apes, jelly fish, rats, cats, etc, etc, are all robots.
?? ?On the other hand, others might prefer a more restrictive definition, defining a robot as being as above but created by a human being, or bunch of human beings. In which case we humans are not robots, and if you then claim to be a robot you are either a crazy human, or you really are a robot.
?? ?I looked up 'what is a robot' on Google and found the following...
?? ?I also did a search on Google for, 'Are we all robots', and found the following.
?? At the next link it says, 'Nikola Tesla in his autobiography firmly states we are all automatons.'
?? ?The photo of a robot comes from the previous link.
?? In fact, the questions and answers in the blog at this previous link debate the question in quite interesting ways.
?? ?With apologies for the swear words, for those who do not have potty mouths and potty minds, there is more debate about this at the next link.
?? In passing, ask the questions,
?? ‘Is there any such thing as a swear word for a robot, if a robot cannot be offended by anything? Or can some robots be deeply offended and hurt and sulk?’
?? ?You may also find this topic interestingly discussed at the next link.
?? In case you are a robot without a sense of humour, or a human without a sense of humour, please think about whether or not I was joking in saying that the carton is extremely offensive, and in other bits of text here.
?? If you cannot come up with an adequate answer, then you will just have to consider yourself to be a robot without a sense of humour, or a human without a sense of humour.
?? Does that help you?
?? Does that confuse you?
?? On Tuesday34$%£ghtjknmbde99977765023 slipopdobnmowdfg.
?? The point of the previous line is that it is another extremely offensive test for a chatbot.
?? I learned from a post on social media in around August 2023, that adding a long, rather random string of characters to a word can totally confuse chatbots like ChatGPT in at least the early part of 2023.
?? The cartoon with the offensive test for a robot came in a post on Facebook in October 2023, apparently via
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#IsaacAsimov #IRobot #ThreeLawsofRobotics #WillSmith #NikolaTesla #Automatons
#Humour #SenseofHumour #Turing #AlanTuring #Computer #Tests #IntelligenceTests