We all need insights
Bryan Whitefield
I empower leaders to cultivate high-performance teams making faster and better decisions | Recognised expert in strategy and risk | Expert facilitator and trainer and sought-after mentor | MAICD, MRMIA & CCRO
Marie Curie provided insight, literally, that anyone would envy.
Ask yourself what insight a doctor in World War I would have valued most. Insight, not a wonder drug that is penicillin that was only discovered in the next decade.
Your answer (which I get very quickly when I ask it in workshop) may be “the ability to see bullets”. That is, bullets stuck inside the poor souls that had become “casualties” during the war. Curie designed, built and deployed (with the help of her 17yr old daughter) small, portable x-ray machines called Petit Curie. She gave doctors the ability to see bullets and shrapnel lodged in the body as well as bone fractures. Now that is insight.
I have the privilege of running workshops for boards, executives, project teams and, funnily enough marketing insights teams, and every one of them are looking for me to provide them with insights.
When you work with your stakeholders, do you provide them with insight?
I’ll give you a tip. If they are looking at their smartphones, rolling their eyes when they come to meetings (ouch), postponing meetings, not showing up to meetings (ouch), they are not getting insights from you.
I don’t mean to be harsh. I know you have so much to offer. But so many of our stakeholders are so frigging busy your message does not cut through.
Out of interest. Has my message about industry disruption in my last EIGHT blogs cut through? If so, I want to hear what has resonated. I want your questions. Send them through.
Practical methods to cut through with your advice and make the impact you want to make. Available on Amazon or order here now.
Available on Amazon or order here now.
Bryan Whitefield works with strategic leaders across all sectors to help organisations harness uncertainty – uncertainty is the strategic leader’s best friend. He is the author of DECIDE: How to Manage the Risk in Your Decision Making and Winning Conversations: How to turn red tape into blue ribbon. He is the designer of the Risk Culture: Build Your Tribe of Advocates Program for support functions and the Persuasive Adviser Program for internal advisers. Both can be booked individually or in-house. For more information about Bryan, please click here.