We All Need a Coach

We All Need a Coach

This one hits close to home and I want to talk about the need for all of us to have coaches. This past week I screwed up. I fumbled, I insulted somebody who's really important to me, somebody who's really valuable....a new relationship. And in talking to a couple of friends about the situation, one of them asked, do you work with a coach? And it took me aback and I was thinking, well, wait a minute. I am a coach and it reminded me that athletes, executives, entertainers, those who really want to elevate their performance all have coaches and why not me?

Why not you? So it's never too early. It's never too late to go find mentors. Go find coaches who demonstrate a vested interest in your success, who will help you think not only about your strengths, not that which has made you great in whatever you're doing today, but really help you elevate that to a very different level.

I'm reminded of Marshall Goldsmith's book, "What Got You Here Won't Get You There". We all can use that bump up in our knowledge and our skills and our behaviors, and it's more evident in your relationships than anywhere else in your life.

This week I want you to think about how can you find coaches that will help you think differently

Tina Marie Alexander

Co-Founder at Pillow Talk Design, Inc.

6 年

Love this. Thank you for the nuggets!

David Nour

Relationship Economics? Advisor, Speaker, Author, Executive Coach, and Developer of Exceptional Leaders; AI Tech Startup Founder, Thinkers50 Radar, Author of 12 Books on Business Relationships.

6 年

Paul Vitrano Thank you for the kind like of this video. It's amazing how we all really need coaches / an independent, unfiltered lens into our strengths as well as areas for improvement, who demonstrate a vested interest in us as individuals? Hope all is great with you, Nour


