Are We All Living Inside the Matrix?
Is no one else seeing it? I can't be NEO, right?
Everything that is wrong about schools and education comes down to one thing - the old, obsolete and destructive 19th Century Curriculum and System. That's it. If we want to fix schools and education, we need to dump the curriculum - FAST!
What else does the bad curriculum create? Toxic Teachers!
How dare I say that? How dare I say that toxic teachers are created not born. But they are. I have been in education for 20 years and I have worked with toxic teachers and it's not their fault. I know why they rebel against the school, against principals and against the system.
They should be upset. It's not their fault. They took the red pill and can see the Matrix and don't know what to do. They repeatedly ask the same question, "what is the point of this?"
And they are correct. Listen, principals, superintendents and boards of education, your toxic teachers are your saviors. The problem is that they can't survive in the 19th Century Curriculum.
We hate toxic teachers because they don't sit down. They refuse to follow the rules. But the rules are bad. The rules are racist. The rules are discriminatory.
I choose to ignore the adjective "toxic" and focus on the noun - "teacher."
I love all teachers. I love all principals. I may be crazy!
But I'm convinced that if you chose to work in education there is something redeemable about you as a person. There has to be, why would you willingly come to work everyday when you know at the end of the day you will be treated unfairly.
Every teacher is treated poorly. Not just toxic teachers. We give teachers the "toxic" label when they vocalize their displeasure of disrespect and unfair treatment. But are they really "toxic"? Shouldn't we be listening to teachers? All teachers?
If you have been labeled a toxic teacher, contact me.
If you are a Principal with a toxic teacher, contact me.
If you are a school district that has low test scores, year after year, contact me.
I have the path to success. It's not that hard to trash the old system, but it will take some work to implement the new one.
I have started speaking with school districts across the United States. Right now, I am only seeking 100 of the most progressive, forward-thinking districts in America. We are going to do the hard work of building a 22nd Century Curriculum and a system that respects everyone, students, teachers and principals.
Schools cannot succeed when we push DOWN hard on everyone. We need to create a floor that helps everyone move UP to the success. For 20 years, I have worked with students who failed every class they ever took. I have worked with teachers who were let go by districts because they were called "toxic." I have worked for 20 years turning everything and everyone around.
I did not change the people. I changed the system they worked in.
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