We All Have a Voice, We All Have a Vote
Associated Industries of Massachusetts
Building A Better State of Business
“Voting is the foundation stone of political action,” Dr. Martin Luther King.
Dr. King recognized that participative democracy was an essential part of our identity. Dr. King went on to say that “our lives begin and end the day we become silent about things that matter.”?This is just as true in 2022, as we approach Election Day on November 8th in Massachusetts and throughout the nation. The fractious nature of our current political debate makes it imperative for everyone to participate in an election that will give us the opportunity to speak and have a voice on the things that matter to us. It will give Massachusetts a new governor, a new attorney general and perhaps new members of the Legislature, setting our course for the future.
Many people have already made their voices heard through mail-in ballots or early voting. November 8th is the final chance to be heard.
Everyone – business owners, individual citizens, people with kids in schools, retired people – has a stake in selecting the people who will represent them in government and the policies that will set a course for our quality of life and the future of our Commonwealth. Elections have consequences for the business climate, tax policy, our energy choices, education and virtually every other aspect of life here in the Commonwealth.
?One issue at stake in this election that will impact employers rests with Question 1, the ballot initiative that?would create a constitutional amendment increasing?taxes by 80 percent on certain incomes.?The initiative would apply to taxable income of more than $1 million on the sale of homes, investments, stocks, businesses, pensions, and inheritances.?AIM strongly encourages you all and your employees to vote “no” on Question 1 because it will harm the small, family businesses that form the backbone of the Massachusetts economy. Question 1 will prevent these employers from being able to reinvest into the business, prevent them from buying machinery and equipment and prevent them from providing competitive pay increases at a time of heightened economic uncertainty.
Remember that every election is determined by the people who show up. “If we don’t vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future,” said Global Philanthropist and Businesswoman Pat Mitchell.
The best way to predict the future, is to create it,” said Abraham Lincoln.
We all have a voice in shaping the future of the Commonwealth. Whatever your political leanings or ideologies, show up and vote to ensure your voice is heard.
Don’t know where to vote? The?Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office?maintains a web page that allows you to determine the location of your polling place.
See you at the polls.