We All Have The Same 24 Hours in a Day

We All Have The Same 24 Hours in a Day

The essence of a side hustle is creating freedom. Whether you earn a little or a lot, that extra income can help you carve out more time for your hobbies, family, and the flexibility to be in control of your schedule. But, while everyone wants a dream lifestyle, most people are too caught up in the busyness of daily life to pursue the opportunities available to them. The truth is, if it matters enough, we can all find a few hours each week to invest in shaping our future, instead of wasting time on activities that don’t serve us.

You may feel your schedule is already tight—whether you work full-time, are retired, juggling part-time jobs, or even unemployed. It often seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. But here’s a fact: every single one of us has 24 hours each day, and we often have more free time than we realize.

Interestingly, those who seem to get the most done are often the busiest people. They have a tendency to say “yes” to new opportunities, while others who have more available time often struggle to commit. Why is that? It all comes down to priorities. Personally, I’ve found that my most productive days are the ones leading up to a vacation—days when I’m laser-focused on completing my to-do list. It’s a clear reminder that time management and setting priorities make all the difference.

Everyone has the same amount of time each day, but how we use it varies. Some of us prioritize family and friends, others focus on household chores, and many make time for rest. A recent OECD study comparing work habits across 33 countries found that people in places like Japan work an average of 5.5 hours of paid work per day, while countries like France and Spain average less than 3 hours. That leaves a significant amount of free time, which could easily be used to develop a side hustle and build a better future.

In my experience, I don’t give people jobs—I help them create businesses. A key point many don’t realize is that success requires an investment of time. Just a few hours a week can set you on the path to creating your dream lifestyle, rather than just surviving. Even the busiest individuals can set aside time for their future. It’s all about managing your time wisely. Time is money, after all, yet many people spend it on non-productive activities like watching TV or scrolling through social media.

As entrepreneurs, we don’t get paid for how many meetings we attend or how many emails we read. We get paid when our efforts lead to results. That’s why it’s crucial to make the most of the time you have. Start small, take action, and don’t wait for the perfect moment. Learn as you go, and use every opportunity to move forward, whether it’s during your commute or while grabbing a coffee. Experience is the best teacher, far more effective than endless planning.

Success doesn’t come overnight—it takes time and persistence. Behind every success story are countless hours of work. With network marketing, you get to decide how much time you can invest each day, and consistency is key. In fact, I prefer working with busy people, as they tend to be better at prioritizing. Those with more free time often fall into the trap of procrastination.

Take a moment to examine how you spend your time over the next week. Beyond work, where does your time go? Whether it’s in the mornings, during lunch breaks, or after work, there are always pockets of time you can dedicate to building a side business that could one day transform your life.

When I first started my ASEA business in 2015, I had long workdays, often more than 9 hours, but I still found ways to squeeze in time for my side hustle. I woke up 15 minutes earlier to answer emails, made calls during my lunch break, and connected with potential clients in the evenings. Every day, I prioritized my business, and it paid off. Now, I have the freedom to choose how I spend my time.

Over the past 7 years, I’ve helped many people start their own businesses, despite their full schedules. They weren’t superhuman—they simply managed their time, took action, and moved closer to their goals each week. It’s a straightforward process.

We all have 24 hours a day. Life happens to everyone—whether it’s having a baby, dealing with illness, or losing a job. But our job is to manage our time around these challenges and stay focused on our goals.

I challenge you to take control of your time and start building the life you’ve always dreamed of. Begin with just a few minutes a day and learn as you go. It’s empowering to choose how you spend your time, and it can lead to the freedom and success you’ve always wanted.
