Media Personality | TV and Radio Host | Humanitarian Aid Advocate | Creative Director at XTRA MILES NETWORK | Businessman | Father Figure| Writer
As I sit here reading "Reach for Life," I am reminded that the choice is yours. I often reflect on why so many people desire to go to heaven, and I believe it largely stems from the fact that many have never seen Jesus. This realization is profound, yet the truth is that we don’t have to die to encounter Him. The Lord has promised to reveal Himself to us if we keep His commandments and adhere to His words. Why wait for death when we can experience Jesus here and now?
Staying in the secret place, following His word, and patiently waiting on the Lord are essential. The moment we take our last breath on earth, we take our first in heaven. Heaven is a truly wonderful place, and the benefits for believers are extraordinary. Personally, I do not believe I will enter heaven simply because of any title I hold; my entrance is entirely based on the merit of Christ's work.
I have come to understand that anyone who loves their spouse will find their way to heaven, and this principle applies equally to men and women. I believe everyone will have the opportunity to visit heaven, even if we are sinners, as we will be judged there. Our God is a merciful one, and I hold firm to the promise that all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth. The truth is, your soul can attain heaven while you are still alive if only you repent. It is not our works or any external factors that can save us.
Heaven does not diminish the importance of our current lives; rather, it enhances it. I have sometimes engaged with preachers who indulge in drinking wine. If you ask them, they might say, "Even God loves drunkards, and He will forgive them." This perspective suggests that heaven is accessible to every human being.
To me, the concept of end times is misleading. When we die, the world as we know it ends, and we begin to live in the spirit realm. The Bible indicates that as long as we are here on earth, we are strangers in a foreign land, facing enemies we must conquer before returning home. This world is not our true home; our citizenship is in heaven.
Even when I allow my imagination to wander about the joys of heaven, I find that my mind struggles to conceive its true nature. I recall attending a church in Nigeria where Pastor Abel Damina challenged anyone to provide biblical proof that guarantees access to heaven. He boldly declared that heaven is a scam and that there is nowhere in the Bible that states you will go to heaven. According to me, not every pastor will witness or enjoy eternal life. However, Revelation 20:4-6 assures us that together, all glorified saints will ultimately make their way to heaven.
As I ponder my journey beyond this point, I realize it is not my immediate concern. I strive to live in peace with my neighbors and to do what is right. I stopped defending such statements when I began reading the Bible for myself, discovering that many sermons from the pulpit lack substance.
Pope Francis once stated that all religions are a path to God. According me to me, even devils have experienced heaven and were loved, implying that the existence of devils indicates the existence of God
People hold diverse beliefs about heaven. Many lack understanding of God but still view heaven as the better place we all go to upon death. These ideas are often vague hopes, much like thinking, maybe I’ll win the lottery someday. Most people only contemplate heaven during significant life events, such as funerals or the loss of a loved one. It is popular to refer to heaven as the destination for good people, with everyone considering their loved ones to be in that category.
However, when we stand before God, we cannot plead for entry into heaven based solely on our merit. While it’s comforting to think our family and friends will go straight to heaven, we must consider the possibility that they may not.
I’ve heard people say things like, I come on behalf of your poor parents to tell you that they suffer in Purgatory, weeping and urgently seeking your prayers and good works. They might express their pain from the depths of those flames, urging us to inform our loved ones about the great evils they endure and to implore our help through prayer.
You might think your parents do not need your prayers, perhaps saying, But our parents lived good lives; they were good people. While this may be true, it is essential to recognize that even small faults can have significant consequences in the flames of Purgatory. We would never dare commit even the smallest sin if we fully understood how much it outrages God and the punishment it warrants.
Interestingly, many Americans believe they are good people, with some asserting that only 2% will go to hell. I believe that there is no scripture explicitly stating we will go to heaven upon death. In fact, Jesus Christ the highest authority on this matter stated in John 3:13 that no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.
As I conclude, I want to emphasize that no matter what you do, you still have the opportunity to go to heaven. The grace of God is immense, and His love for us transcends our shortcomings. While our actions are significant, it is ultimately our faith, repentance, and relationship with Jesus that pave the way to eternal life. Heaven remains a promise for all who believe and strive to follow His teachings, regardless of their past. Let us hold on to this hope and encourage one another on our journeys of faith.
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