We adapt
As a yoga instructor and mindfulness coach, the current practice of social distancing has overnight brought all my revenue streams to a halt. However during this time we will start to see amazing creativity and adaptability emerge.
Personally I am now creating on-line content (mostly videos) so that people can continue to experience mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation and breath-work.
I am starting to get videos up .... constrained somewhat by the technology but I am getting there slowly and hopefully over the next few weeks will have a few videos up for consumption. Please look out for the details on my social media pages for details for those who would like to make a donation if they enjoyed any of the content. There is no obligation and me simply knowing that I may have helped you is also reward in itself.
I encourage you all to make the most of the difficult situation we are in. Let's try and use this time to look for positive change in our lives. Slowing down and just being rather than striving will do wonders for your overall health. We have a wonderful opportunity to notice the beautiful and magical gifts that are around us. They have been there all the time but often we are too busy to notice. Perhaps this is just connecting a little deeper with those at home with us. Maybe you have a garden with beautiful plants ... even if there is just one flower ... take notice. Maybe our furry family members can get some more loving attention.
Let the restlessness subside. Start to welcome the stillness and simply notice your thoughts. Enjoy your own company. Maybe you can start that hobby or task at home that has been put aside for too long. Maybe there is a book waiting for you. How about writing ... perhaps a journal of your experience of this time. The other beautiful gift is that mother earth is expressing her gratitude from the slow down .. she is revealing her beauty in places that have not been seen for many years. Isn't that wonderful.
My YouTube channel can be found by searching for Prana Love Healing or use this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHUfHNTatVTsJcae3aPW6Zw. In addition my Instagram and Facebook Pages can be found by searching for "breathelovejoy". Please contact me if you would like to engage with me regarding any of my services. During this time we are able to use various on-line platforms so that we do not have to wait if the need is now.
Enjoy the reflection and reset.
Through my meditations I am sending loving healing energy to all those that are ill or are simply needing comfort during this time.
Take care
Michael ([email protected])