#WCI2016 includes the only Moot Court Competition in the Country Judged only by Adjudicators
Celebrating 29 years of existence this year, the E. Earle Zehmer National Moot Court Competition will include 20 teams from 6 states. Co-sponsored by the NAWCJ and WCI?, the preliminary and quarter final rounds are judged by members of the NAWCJ. The final round on Monday is judged by a panel of the Florida First District Court of Appeal. The competition is outstanding, the participants exceptional and this opportunity for NAWCJ and WCI? to contribute to the students’ development is both exciting and gratifying. A primary purpose of this competition is to enhance workers’ compensation as a major part of the educational curriculum of participating law schools.
Barry University School of Law
Baylor Law School (Texas)
Charleston School of Law (South Carolina)
Charlotte School of Law (North Carolina)
Florida A&M University College of Law
Florida Coastal School of Law
Florida State University College of Law
Mississippi College School of Law
Nova S.E. University Shepard Broad Law Center
Stetson University College of Law
St. Thomas University School of Law
Thomas M. Cooley Law School
University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law
University of Miami School of Law
University of Pittsburgh School of Law (Pennyslvania)
Thanks to our 2016 Preliminary Round Judges from the National Association of Workers' Compensation Judges
Michael Alvey (KY)
Eduardo Almeyda (FL)
Wilbur Anderson(FL)
Diane Beck (FL)
Scott Beck (SC)
Melodie Belcher (GA)
Shannon Bishop (LA)
Jason Cording (VA)
Robert Dietz (FL)
Elizabeth Elwin (ME)
Michael Feeney (RI)
Iliana Forte (FL)
Angela Gibbs (VA)
Elizabeth Gobiel (GA)
LuAnn Haley (AZ)
Robert Himmel (VA)
Geraldine Hogan (FL)
William Holley (FL)
David Imahara (GA)
Melody James (SC)
Sheral Kellar (LA)
John Lazzara (FL)
Daniel Lewis (FL)
Deneise Lott (MS)
Dwight Lovan (KY)
Wesley Marshall (VA)
Johnny Mason (GA)
Warren Massey (GA)
Sylvia Medina-Shore (FL)
Bruce Moore (KS)
Neal Pitts (FL)
Dana Plunkett (VA)
Thomas Sculco (FL)
Margaret Sojourner (FL)
Kenneth Switzer (TN)
James Szablewicz (VA)
Jack Weiss (FL)
Nolan Winn (FL)