WCFA workshop - Early Bird Fee close to end
Mark October 30 to November 1, 2023, as we hold the 11th Workshop on Computational Fatigue Analysis in Prague, Czechia in those days. The FKM-Guideline for Analytical Strength Assessment was developed for years by FKM Association in Germany. It provides clear description how to deal with static and fatigue analysis of industrial components. While all preceding versions were focused only on the high-cycle fatigue regime above 10,000 cycles, the new non-linear extension is deemed to be usable for both low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue problems. It was published for the first time in 2019, and it does not have other than German version until these days. Luckily, Klemens Rother from Hochschule München is capable of lecturing this interesting topic to English speaking participants and he promised to prepare the presentation for newcomers completely enough to allow them to run the analysis without missing any important points.
There are different modes of access to the workshop available – on-site, on-line and also from recordings. Note however that the on-site and on-line versions of attendance have the special Early Bird Fee option available only for registration and payments made till September 18, 2023.
More details about the workshop can be found on its website https://www.pragtic.com/FKMNL.php.