WBP glue knowledge
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- 附:英文版
Phenolic resin glue
Phenolic glue generally refers to phenolic resin glue
Phenolic resin glue is the glue made of phenolic resin. Phenolic resin is the earliest industrial synthetic resin, and also the first synthetic adhesive. It is also the first structural adhesive made by modification, and it was first used in aviation industry.
Phenolic resin is prepared by polycondensation reaction between benzene and aldehydes in the presence of catalyst. It is used as adhesive for oligomers with a relative molecular weight of 500-1000.
Although the emergence of new adhesives has replaced phenolic resin adhesives in many aspects, but because of its unique advantages, its importance is still not reduced at the beginning, there will still be greater development and application.
Features and Applications
Phenolic resin adhesive has the following characteristics:
Phenolic resin has high polarity, good adhesion to metal and most non-metal, and high adhesion strength.Due to the presence of a large number of benzene rings in phenolic resin and its crosslinking structure, the phenolic resin is rigid and has high heat resistance, creep resistance, ablative resistance and good dimensional stability.Water resistance, oil resistance, abrasion resistance, chemical media resistance, mold resistance, aging resistance, excellent electrical insulation performance.It is easy to modify itself and can also modify other adhesives.High brittleness, low stripping strength, poor impact resistance and vibration resistance.High temperature and high pressure are required for a long time to cure, with a larger shrinkage and a darker adhesive layer.[1]
Phenolic resin glue includes unmodified phenolic resin glue and modified phenolic resin glue.Unmodified phenolic resin glue is mainly used to bond wood, produce waterproof plywood, aviation plywood, ship board, carriage board, advanced particleboard, etc.Also can produce magnesium carbon high temperature resistant brick.
Modified phenolic resin glue can be used as structural adhesive, bonding metal or non-metal, manufacturing honeycomb structure, brake pad, grinding wheel, emery paper, composite materials, etc. It has been widely used in aviation, aerospace, machinery, military industry, automobile, ship, electrical and other industrial sectors.It can also be used to modify other adhesives to improve heat resistance, aging resistance, water resistance and bonding strength.
The resources
- A Brief analysis on the characteristics and application of phenolic resin glue.China Insulation Net [reference Date 2015-12-11]