WBAF High Commissioner Zimbabwe

WBAF High Commissioner Zimbabwe

Mathew Mutavayi

WBAF High Commissioner Zimbabwe

[email protected]

Mathew Mutavayi is a Highly self motivated Executive and Active Citizenship. He is an Enterprise Development and Talent retention strategist. Mathew has experience in Clothing Retail, Hardware, Coal Distribution, Tourism& Hospitality and Farming. A Global traveler, who has traveled in all the continents. A Risk Manager by profession with expertise in Human Resources, Project Management, Leadership, Training, Community Development and Global Networking. His has high skills in Administration and Motivational speaking. Mathew sits in the following Boards JCI-Junior Chamber International as 2017 JCI Vice President assigned to Africa & Middle East, Zimbabwe Youth Council, Bulawayo Province Entrepreneurial & Employment Promotion Program (GEEP). Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce-Sub Committee for Business and SME Development. Serves as 2015 JCI Zimbabwe National President and 2016 JCI Africa & Middle East Development Councilor. Board member of Youth Economic Forum. He has received award of Life Time Membership of JCI-Junior Chamber International. 2016 Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce Rural Businessman of the year. Mathew spend most of his time in developing and support enterprise development, strategy and structuring financial model that support Small to Medium Enterprise.

Contact him:


Mathew Blessing Mutavayi


Mathew Mutavayi





Personal website:

Corporate website:


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