Ways To Reduce Waste
ways to reduce the food waste - WMS

Ways To Reduce Waste

Ways to reduce waste! The phrase “reduce waste at home” may be overheard, but despite the massive pollution and toxicity, no one seems to be concerned about the serious issue. Individual contributions to?waste reduction?need not be hard or expensive; small steps can make big differences.

Listed below are a few ways to reduce waste at home.

Carrying reusable bags, bottles, and cutlery keep plastic away.

Carrying reusable bags (made?from recyclable material) when?you shop, travel, or package food will save you money and eliminate the need for buying plastic bags.?

Reuse water bottles, coffee mugs, and plates too. Skip plastic cutlery, and paper plates, and get yourself into the habit of reusable and refillable kitchenware. This saves you a lot of money and minimizes the use of plastic.

Start your compost, it’s fun!

Make your compost with fruits and veggies — the peel of fruits, the top of your veggies, coffee grounds, tea bags, eggshells— even human hair! Not only is composting easy, but it also benefits the soil.

No paper rockets, please.

With the advent of technology, paying your bills online has become as simple as pie! Opting for paperless bank statements and other bills helps save trees! In addition, unsubscribing to unwanted or excess mail can help reduce paper consumption.

Make it paperless in the kitchen too! Switching to washable napkins and towels will help you cut down on paper towels, tissues, and a huge sum of money.

Buy in bulk.

Buying in bulk can help you save money and reduce packaging waste.

Reuse. Reuse. Reuse!

Consider reusing old things such as old t-shirts as cleaning rags or using food containers to store office supplies.

You may also consider buying “used” before you purchase something brand-new. This way you can support local charities and prevent items from being dumped in the landfill, all while saving money.

Donate your stuff.

Give your old goods to a worthy cause. You can donate clothing, furniture, shoes, books, gadgets, and pretty much anything! Donating helps someone in need while saving the?environment!


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