Plastic. It’s in every corner of our house, our office and our life. Plastic bags are one of the most commonly used items these days. They have formed an essential part of our lives. We use them almost every day for various purposes!

Do you know what made me start changing my habit?

I had my wake-up call when I saw a video on my social media, where a sea turtle had been rescued by researchers. There were plastic straws stuck in its nostrils and it couldn’t remove the straw by itself! To be honest, that video is one of the most painful videos I had ever watched. I cannot imagine the pain that the sea turtle endured.

Researchers removing a plastic straw from turtle’s nose

After that I’m started watching how plastic pollution in the ocean harms wildlife. I began reading blogs, and news, on how plastic can impact our health, pollute our rivers and oceans, as well as landfills. It was even more shocking when I read about how our country had become the dumping ground for the world's plastic waste! But this has now been resolved.

Did you know that plastic takes years to decompose? Some even up to hundreds of years! It’s not something you can get rid of by burning, not without consequences as the chemicals released when burning plastic are quite toxic. It’s crazy right?!

So, when our Ministry of Water & Environment started a “No plastic bag” campaign in 2019, I immediately took my first step by buying my own foldable reusable shopping bag. It’s so lightweight and compact, that I can just keep it in my handbag or in my pocket! And one more thing, reusable bags are not just for groceries! You can use them for all your purchases, from electronics to clothing! So, no excuses!

use photodegradable garbage bags at home. It’s eco-friendly and cheap too! It’s even cheaper when you buy it online!

As a coffee lover, I got myself a Coffee Tumbler. By bringing my own tumbler, that means I can skip using and throwing away the cup, lid, and straw. In fact, most cafes these days will give a discount for bringing your own tumbler

Believe it or not, I use to start off my day with plastics. The very first being my toothbrush. Yes, this essential item, is made from plastic too! So, here’s a thought, why not switch to a bamboo toothbrush? Bamboo toothbrushes are made of mostly sustainable materials that can decompose naturally. This toothbrush is nice to use, and as an added bonus, they have charcoal infused bristles. I love it!

I now use the bamboo charcoal

There are other plastic items we too could stop using, but let’s take baby steps first, okay? Just choose a few that are doable and that will make the most impact in your life. No one can do it all alone, so everyone must do it together!

To be honest, I don’t think it is possible for us to go 100% plastic free. Yes, it’s practically impossible in today’s society. Our fridge is made of plastic, some parts of our car’s body are also made of plastic. Pens, they’re made with plastic too. It’s everywhere. However, I believe we all can do something to make a positive change towards making the world a less polluted place. With small simple steps, you can start to make a big change, and if we are consistent and push through, it can be done. Slowly but surely.

Nur Farah Nabilah/Procurement Dept


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