Ways to Reclaim Your Mental Mojo
Concentration means being able to focus on the task at hand, and these days it’s become the brass ring that’s increasingly difficult to catch. How many times a day are we all saying…
Why Can’t I Concentrate?
Let’s face it, our busy lives put incredible demands on our time and attention. Then add to that the extraordinary mix of social, economic, environmental and health challenges we’re encountering right now, which all weigh heavily on our minds.
These stressors tax the brain and take a toll on our focus, attention, concentration and memory. We’re feeling dazed and confused for good reasons!
The good news is, there are many things you can do to improve your concentration (and more!), both in the moment and for the long run.
Start Your Day with a Checklist
Jotting down a daily “to-do” list seems like a basic organizational tool, but it can be so much more. Lists relieve your brain from having to remember every little detail, freeing it up to focus on bigger things.
In addition to gently jogging your memory and unburdening your mind, a checklist can also help you set goals, be more productive, and give you a sense of accomplishment with every item you check off.
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Thank you?...Resist the Urge to Multitask
Speaking of to-do lists, try to keep them realistic. If your calendar is packed and your to-do list is long, it can increase the urge to multitask to try and get more done in limited time.
When it involved several streams of digital information (think cellphone and computer)—hampered attention, information recall and the ability to efficiently switch from one task to another. In the end, this slowed work progress and harmed performance.
It’s not surprising, really. Think about your computer and how it slows down when you have too many tabs open. Your brain operates the same way. When it tries to do too many things at once, there’s not enough bandwidth to perform any of them successfully. So, try to focus on one task at a time for best results.
Minimize External Distraction
In this era of at-home work, school and play, digital devices aren’t the only things vying for your attention or compromising your focus.
Noise and interruptions from family members, roommates sharing your space, or even Fido and Whiskers needing food and love can definitely do a number on your concentration, too.
Try finding a quiet spot where you can close a door and physically separate yourself from the fray for designated periods of time. Or, if secluded spaces aren’t an option, set up and stick to a schedule with designated work times, letting others know that you’re off limits during those periods.
Even easier? Use quality headphones or listen to calming background music (nature sounds or classical music suggested) to cut down on distracting noises, minimize disruptions and keep your concentration strong.
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Exercise Your “Attention Muscle” with Mindful Meditation
For most of us, distractions that challenge our concentration don’t just come from external sources.
Worry, anxiousness and ruminating self-talk are common internal distractions that can easily and repeatedly take us off track. Fortunately, devoting as little as 5 minutes of your day to mindful meditation can be an excellent refocusing fix.
Here’s how:
Find a comfy place to sit and set a timer for 5 minutes.
Close your eyes and notice your breath - without trying to control or change it.
Allow your body to relax as you continue to focus on your breath.
When your mind wanders from your breath to a thought (it will and that’s ok!), acknowledge the thought and let it pass, like a cloud in the sky. Then return your focus to your breath.
Repeat this refocusing as often as necessary until the timer goes off.
This simple meditation practice strengthens your “attention muscle” and helps wire your brain circuitry for improved focus, attention and memory.
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Consider Caffeine
There’s a reason why a cup of morning Joe is famous for jump-starting the day.
Well, two reasons, actually. Coffee contains caffeine and antioxidants, which both have positive effects on the brain.
According to research, caffeine can increase alertness and concentration as well as improve mood. And the antioxidants help protect delicate brain cells from oxidative damage.
So, whether you need to rev up your energy, attention and focus in the morning…or put some fresh wind in your sails in the afternoon…a cup of coffee could do the trick.
Green tea or a serving of dark chocolate (with 67 percent cacao or more) can deliver similar benefits.
Take a Break
It may seem counterintuitive, but taking a break from work or any demanding task can increase your concentration, productivity and creativity. That’s because forcing your mind to work for long stretches without pause creates mental stress and taking a break allows your mind to refresh and reboot.
In fact, according to the time-tracking and productivity app Desk Time, the most productive workers seem to have one thing in common—their ability to take effective breaks.
The ideal workflow, according to the app, is called “The Rule of 52 and 17,” which means working for 52 minutes and taking a break for 17. Rinse and repeat.
The key to success with this rule is to really remove yourself from the work you’re doing during those 17-minute rest periods. Get up and move. Go outside for some fresh air.
Hydrate and grab a healthy snack. All of these things help rev up your circulation, nourish your brain and reinvigorate your concentration.
Make Time to Play
Another unexpected way to boost concentration is to play more games. Brain-training games, that is. These include Sudoku, word searches, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, memory games and board games, like checkers and chess.
One large-scale study with over 4,000 adult subjects found that spending 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week doing brain training activities significantly improved concentration. And other research suggests that these games can also boost memory and problem-solving skills.
Prefer digital?
There’s no shortage of apps to choose from. Peak, Elevate and CogniFit are some of the most popular computerized cognitive training programs on the market.
Although research involving these apps is still in its infancy, recent results point to measurable positive, brain-supporting effects.
Get Good Sleep
Good sleep has far bigger rewards than dewy skin and more pep in your step (though we’re not knocking these). According to The Sleep Foundation, quality sleep is essential for your short- and long-term brain health and performance.
And not getting enough good sleep can impair the brain’s executive functioning, making it harder to focus and concentrate. It also slows reaction time, impairs memory and stifles creativity, innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Why? Because sleep is that critical “down time” when a lot of processing and repair work is happening in your body. It’s when brain cell connections are strengthened and memories are stored. So, make a good sleep a top priority with a consistent sleep routine.
Limit caffeine and alcohol as bedtime approaches.
Relax and wind down before going to bed.
Avoid all screen time at least an hour before getting under the covers.
And if you need a little extra help catching good ZZZs ---part of your bedtime routine.
Helping individuals and groups resolve conflicts through assisted conversations.
2 年Yes, meditation to wipe the slate clean and the right environment are key factors for me. Great article!
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年Respite from stress hormones Adrenaline and noradrenaline aren’t the only stress hormones that take a siesta at night. Cortisol—often considered the body’s primary stress hormone—normally peaks in the morning hours to get you up and at ‘em and then gradually decreases throughout the day and into the night. But a bad night’s sleep can increase cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which has a cascading effect on many areas of your health. That’s because this adrenal hormone plays an important role in blood sugar and blood pressure control, metabolizing carbohydrates and fats, memory formulation and more. Improved mood and emotional resilience Sleep is a powerful time of physical restoration, but did you know it’s equally important for your mental health? Neuroimaging and neurochemistry studies show that a good night’s sleep fostered mental and emotional resilience while chronic sleep deprivation set the stage for negative thinking and emotional vulnerability. Other science suggests that lack of sleep causes neuro-chemical miscommunication between parts of the brain, making mood and emotional processing run amok. Better problem solving and creative thinking There are certain parts of your brain that clock in serious work on the night shift. The hippocampus of your brain, for example, sorts, processes and stores all the information you took in during the day, which is important for future creative thinking and problem solving. Another part of the brain called the amygdala helps create long-term memories from your experiences. And these stored snapshots of life are a foundation for your emotional and intellectual growth.