1. By investing:
When you invest, you put little money into a venture, then wait for the money to multiply.
Example: A farmer grows crops with little money. The crops multiply and he sells the crops for more money.
Example: You give your money to a bank, the bank uses your money to do business (eg. gives it as a loan to others) and pays you back with more.
2. By retailing:
When you retail, you buy a manufactured item at a low price and sell it to others at a higher price.
A market woman imports rice-cookers from a foreign country at a low price, then she sells them to people in her country at a higher price. She didn't make the rice-cookers, she is just buying and reselling them.
3. By rendering a service:
When you render a service, you solve someone's problem and take a fee.
Example: Taxi drivers take passengers from one place to another and receive money in return.
TV repairers, employees of companies, government workers are rendering a service.
There are other means such as INHERITANCE, etc - but that is all for now.