Ways to motivate employees in a Startup

Ways to motivate employees in a Startup

With the recent increase in startups, many professionals are curious about working in one. We have heard many stories of people quitting their white-collar jobs at corporate organizations to come and work in a startup. It serves as a platform to showcase their skills and allows them to work with like-minded people sharing similar goals.

As a lot of work and responsibility shouldered on the employees in a startup, the founders have to ensure they retain their employees for long. Here comes the need to constantly motivate the employees to enable them to deliver their best under such circumstances. We have come up with a few suggestions that can be easily implemented in a startup for motivating the employees.

1. Make the best of the space around you:

Having a good work environment with dedicated desks for every employee may not be possible for a startup. BookEventz started their idea in a garage and eventually moved up to get an office space in a corporate building. Successful startups are the ones that are made of a good team of people, who can enjoy work irrespective of the location of the job. Team BookEventz.com has enjoyed working even in clustered rooms. The office parties have been willingly hosted and thoroughly enjoyed in the founder's home since the office space didn't have enough room for the team to groove. It's the team and their common goal that matters in a startup and not the room to motivate the team to perform.

2. Introduce breaks from work for relaxation:

An employee working in a startup is bound to have lots of responsibility and accountability. Thus there is a need to include certain activities for the team to relax. These need not be high maintenance equipment like gymnasium or gaming areas but low budget ideas like keeping best seller novels on your office rack making them freely available for the employees where they can read and return them is a very convenient means of relaxation. In addition, the team can host Friday night video games, treks, or even small coffee house parties which can act like great team-building activities and can motivate employees to be part of such a team!!

3. Recognize employee performance:

Felicitating the employees for their achievements serves as an excellent platform to motivate them. Appreciating them in front of their team will ensure the team knows the efficiency of the employee which can encourage them for a better performance in the future. At BookEventz.com, monthly parties include an “Employee of the Month” event where the best-performing employee is felicitated. They occasionally also hold small events where the employee with the maximum number of good sales calls gets rewarded.

4. Provide a good learning curve to the employees:

Explore the strengths and capabilities of your employees and ensure you assign them tasks accordingly. Understanding their interests, and encouraging them to try out different assignments will help them to develop their skills and provide them with a good learning experience. When you have a team of just a few people and several tasks to be taken care of, utilizing the skills of an employee suitably can promote to be a savior for the employer and an opportunity for the employee. Providing regular feedback on their performance can help them refine their career development path.

5. Celebrate social events/fun days at work:

To ensure your employees enjoy coming to work, introduce fun days by celebrating theme days, color dress codes, chocolate days, and the like. Celebrate Funtastic Fridays every month where you celebrate the birthdays/special occasions of all your employees during that month. You can also celebrate your company's achievements by ringing bells or banging gongs!! Monthly get-togethers for dinner & games can also be fun. Come up with creative ideas to enable employees to enjoy and remain stress-free while performing their tasks.

Showing your employees that you care, creating a friendly and transparent environment to work in, and recognizing and appreciating the efforts put in by your employees will ensure your team will be as motivated as you are to achieve your goals!!


In summary, effectively motivating employees in a startup hinges on creating a dynamic and supportive work culture. By setting clear goals, offering genuine recognition, and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth, startups can inspire their teams to exceed expectations and drive the company’s success. Emphasizing open communication and a collaborative atmosphere further enhances motivation, ensuring that every team member feels valued and invested in the startup’s vision.



