Ways to manage ADHD
I can share what helps me, and I hope this helps you as well.
Silence. Copious amounts of quiet time helps the brain refresh and nourish immeasurably.
Yoga. Just simple stretches, nothing that requires a device. Small amounts of exercise and walking helps organize racing thoughts. We all know ADHD talkers pace while talking. But quiet walking actually surfaces the most important thoughts.
Anxiety is a constant presence with ADHD. It never leaves. So grounding is very important for the same. Learn to identify the top 3 stressors, and ensure to have some mechanism to manage them. An example would be, if having a phone conversation in a train or a cab stresses you, getting into a lift with a lot of people in it, having a line of thought broken because someone interrupted. These are simple stressors but can end up messing your day. I learnt breathwork to manage these. You may find something else. The tool just has to click for you, and assiduous practice helps you manage.
Lists and Post Its do not work, they are over-rated. What helps more is for you to put in customized voice notes on your alarms, on your phone.
Eating and Hydrating is an oft forgotten activity. After a few days of this, the brain gets fried, literally. Seek a way to make a routine, such as having a meal and a glass of water before 10am regardless of how your day has begun. It can just be a bowl of oats, no need to overthink this.
People watching helps calm a hyperactive ADHD. So does nature. Try to get out and spend time in a park, just sitting on a bench and watching life. Listen to people stories, smile and share connection. Rather than a mall, take in an art museum, that gives stimulus as also calms. Quiet places which also nourish helps in indecipherable ways. These are not platitudes, they actually release dopamine and help immensely.
Managing ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) can be challenging, but there are various talks, podcasts, and resources that can provide valuable insights and strategies. Here are some helpful talks and podcasts that may offer support and advice:
Remember that managing ADHD is a personalized journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to consult with healthcare professionals, therapists, or coaches to create a comprehensive and tailored approach to managing ADHD symptoms.