I spent decades of my life wiating for my life to change. In reality, it was my life waiting for to change. Everything about me had a ''But'' simply because of what I believed to be true. Having lived around closed minded people completely ruined my life to the point that I didn't realize what was Important to me. I had so many ideas but none of of those ideas helped me get what I wanted. In 2006 WHEN MY FATHER PASSED AWAY, I was still 10 years old and how I perceived that moment determined how I lived the rest of my time. I thought the only person who could let me become who I wanted was my dad, therefore when he passed away, I was hopeless and even stopped believing in myself. MY mom used to empower and challenge me, she became my life coach and I can't forget the time that she told me something that changed my life for the better. She said ''My son, don't stress about the things you can't change from your past. Your past was simply research and development and the fuel for the great life ahead of you. Just let most of the past die and only bring along with you the things that serve your bigger future. It's Important that you focus on only on the things you can change and how you can create a better life for yourself now. You can accomplish anything you set your mind on'' she insisted. DOING what she told me to do Improved my whole life because I got to love myself more than everyone else.

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I had a creative spirit to Impact the world and that really helped me keep focusing on what I wanted to achieve. When I got my high school degree, I became a teacher at my 18th. Which was unbelievable in my community. My life purpose was to use my creativity and passion to teach and share what I already know with others. I have along story, but let me share with you 8 lessons that helped me Improve my mind, my body and my mentality.

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  1. Always accept the way you are in all and every situation
  2. Never care about what others think, and never try to impress and please every single person
  3. Always live with yourself for the rest of your life, so you might as well find a way to love yourself
  4. Always believe that You are unique, and you are so very special
  5. Always Be grateful for whatever life brings your way
  6. Always believe that you are YOU, and the choice is yours to be what you will
  7. Never complain about what you don't have and never focus on what you lack
  8. Always focus on what you want and create an action plan to get it

Just remember that you are a perfect yet expanding being, in a perfect expanding world, in a perfect yet expanding universe. Learn to become a deliberate creator, let your attention be on what you want, not on what you lack. It's about controlling your thoughts, it's about guiding them because you are the only one who hold the key to creating your every desire.

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