Ways to improve your brain power:
Here are the ways to improve your brain power:
Play Chess. Scientists have proven that,playing Chess helps you utilize both your left and right brain. Most people use only 1 part of their brains.
Read a lot. Read an article, book, novel, magazine,comic book, anything. It trains your brain to love knowledge.
Work out. Working out boosts your memory. The more you can remember, the smarter you will be.
Be open minded. Do not fight everything. Attempt new things and allow yourself to challenge a new experience.
Eat well. A satisfied stomach keeps you at peace and you think better. A hungry man is an angry man and an irrational thinker.
Flirt with the Plato's and Socrates and Archimedes’. Read these peoples books and ideas. They were very smart for people of their time. We still use their theories even today.
Appreciate smart people around you, such as here on KinkedIn, Slideshare and Facebook. Learn from them and read what they write.
Do not deny yourself pleasures such as, sex and dating. These two keep us peaceful and we think better. They help secrete hormones that work well with thought and reasoning.
Drink water and take mid day naps or play a video game.
Sleep, sleep and rest well at night. Never deny yourself sleep. If you work the "graveyard" shift, sleep at day time.