Ways to Foster Belonging and Overcome Inclusion Barriers in the Workplace

Ways to Foster Belonging and Overcome Inclusion Barriers in the Workplace

Even in today’s workplace – where awareness of the importance of inclusion is inarguably greater than it’s ever been – the barriers stand in the way remain glaring.

It could be rigid notions of what a leader looks like (ideas that exclude so many potential leaders from ever reaching their potential). It could be outright workplace bullying. Whatever the barriers may be, they continue to fall disproportionately on talent who happen to be people of color.

Throughout my career – and I suspect as you have seen throughout yours – I’ve seen how people of color face additional barriers: inhospitable office cultures, micro-aggressions, marginalization, and a lack of access to opportunities. All too often, they’re at the disadvantage of not knowing the “unwritten rules” that exclude those who don’t fit the right cultural mileau.

Stereotyping and unconscious bias actively hinder inclusion and belonging in organizations. To foster belonging and promote inclusivity effectively, it's crucial to acknowledge and address these barriers

Strategies to Foster Belonging and Overcome Inclusion Barriers ?

So what can be done? Leaders – defined by anyone seeking to change the status quo, not necessarily where they fall on the organizational chart – should consider a range of steps:

  • Leadership Commitment and Awareness: Organizational leaders must understand the impact of inclusion and belonging in the workplace. This includes recognizing the challenges faced by different groups, such as LGBTQIA+ individuals and those with disabilities. Leaders should model inclusive behaviors, establish accountability measures, and prioritize inclusive policies and practices.
  • Employee Engagement and Surveys: It’s always been important to not only take a pulse check on your employees, but draw actionable conclusions from their insights on how to boost engagement. New tools at our disposal today allow us to draw a new level of organizational insight in determining how to address inequities; for example, BiasSync’s scientifically-validated Equity Barrier Diagnostic, which analyzes equity through each stage of the organization’s life cycle, from recruitment to retention, incorporation all aspects.
  • Building Social Bonds and Trusting Relationships: Encouraging opportunities for employees to create social bonds can foster a sense of belonging. Organizations should embrace emerging tools for more effectively pursuing inclusion, such as BiasSync’s Proprietary Five-Stage Inclusivity Roadmap?, which helps enterprises to build these bonds with tools like equity audits, inclusive calendar celebrations, and glossaries of evolving standards on what constitutes inclusive language.
  • Intentional Inclusion: Organizations should be intentional about creating an inclusive workplace. This involves implementing inclusive hiring practices, offering flexible work policies, and providing accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Inclusive onboarding approaches, such as smooth transitions and informative resources, can help new employees feel welcome and supported from day one.
  • Promote Inclusion through Policies and Norms: Workplace norms should promote respectful communication and extend anti-harassment policies to include bullying and other exclusionary behaviors. Inclusion-focused training programs can educate employees on unconscious bias, microaggressions, and the importance of creating an inclusive environment. Organizations should also consider offering floating holidays and involving employees in selecting holiday observances to respect diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Addressing Remote and Hybrid Work Challenges: With the rise of remote and hybrid work arrangements, organizations should address the challenges associated with fostering inclusion in these settings. This should involve creating equitable opportunities for participation, varying meeting times, recording virtual meetings, and ensuring technology accessibility for all employees. BiasSync’s Five-Stage Inclusivity Roadmap? offers further guidance on how to ensure your talent feel connected even in a virtual age; for example, moments on the calendar you can take advantage of to commemorate important cross-cultural holidays or an evolving glossary of language that helps ensure nobody feels excluded or unsafe.


To foster a truly inclusive workplace, it is essential to address the barriers that hinder progress. Stereotyping and unconscious bias, leadership skill gaps, a tick-box approach to diversity, prioritization dilution, and a lack of meritocracy at senior levels are common barriers that organizations must overcome. It takes commitment to put in the investment needed. And creating real change requires clear leadership commitment and “walking the walk.”


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