Ways To Effectively Recruit

Ways To Effectively Recruit

You may have managed your own team or business for years or whether you are just starting out in a leadership role recruiting can be a stressful and time consuming experience. Whether you decide to instruct an agency or not recruitment will come with costs. There is cost to the business not having this person in post, the cost in time to advertise, sifting and interview or the cost to instruct an agency to take the stress away and pay their fee.

Whichever route you choose you want the recruit to be good value for the time and money you’ve invested in the process and most importantly you want that person to stay!

So how do you do this? The answer is, through effective recruitment.


Effective recruitment

What do you identify as effective recruitment for you?

For something to be effective it must achieve a desired result that has been outlined beforehand. You want the recruitment to be time and money efficient and for that persons to bring something to the business that was either lacking or new ideas or even better…both!

Too often we hear clients say how they’ve tried to do their own recruitment and how it’s not worked out because they either rushed the whole process or didn’t focus enough on what they really wanted. This then results in the individual either dropping out before their start date or after a couple of weeks handing in their notice and saying ‘this role isn’t what I thought it would be’.

This is where we can help. We have a tried and tested process that ensure we find that diamond in the rough.

Steps in order to make a long-term placement


Understanding the job


When taking a brief for a role we will always arrange a face to face meeting or a telephone call to go through some detailed questions that you may not have even thought of! These are questions that you can’t really answer in a job description but can help us narrow down the right candidate for you.

We will ask what the challenges are in the role, what an average day looks like and what previous post holders’ backgrounds were. If you already have an established team we might ask about their job roles and personality types.

If the need for this hire is urgent then sometimes we focus more on the type of person that wouldn’t fit in your company and although it sounds like the same question the answers can be very different.

Identifying a candidate’s suitability

Effective candidate questioning is equally as important and the best to do is by questioning. Our first stage process are always general questions to ascertain a candidate’s general suitability for a position before more detailed questioning are asked.

If a candidate has been potentially identified as being suitable for a position then we will always get under the skin a little bit more and find out exactly what it is they are looking for.

We always ask candidates what’s important to them about their next role and it’s always interesting to see the answers they respond with.

Working environment can also be a major factor for people so particularly in professional services we will always check whether a candidate has a preference between a corporate or more independent relaxed feel in the workplace. 

Checking salary and benefits expectations are good answers to have noted when speaking to candidates. Some clients will have some flexibility in their budgets but others will be fixed on a maximum amount.

Training costs or professional studies are often mentioned in Legal or Accountancy roles as some companies will make trainees enter into a training agreement that will be inflict costs should someone leave a role early. This is key point to understand from both parties so there are no surprises especially if a company are going to be making an offer.

Case Study 1; Finance Director

In 2017 we recruited for a Finance Director for one of our main clients. We took a detailed a brief from the hiring manager and also arranged a time to meet them and their team in person. Some of the key points to come from the meeting was that they were looking for someone who was experienced but friendly, personable and proactive and someone who would stay and develop with the company. 

Following the meeting we returned to the office and advertised the role and within a matter of days received a wealth of applications. Many candidates called asking for more information on the company or to know their name and although they have been experienced in the position there was still something missing.

 One particular applicant had seen the job advertised and decided to email us directly with a copy of his CV, personal summary and his availability both to discuss the position further but also his notice. This had instantly caught our eye and we began going into more detail questions finding out what the person was looking for. After every call we had he would follow up with an email and summary of what had been discussed and more and more green lights were being added.

We followed our normal application process and submitted him and followed up with a call to the client to discuss any further notes we had made. He was shortly after invited to a three step interview process with the company and offered the position.

This candidate has remained in his job role and now instructs us to recruit for him and his teams because he knows that we get ‘under the skin’ of what it is a person is really looking for.

Case Study 2: Practice Manager

We were instructed by a veterinary company to find a new Practice Manager for one of their local practises. A brief was taken and again we advertised and began sifting candidates. We received applicants from experienced practice managers and managers from sectors unrelated looking for a change of scene.

One applicant applied who had no veterinary background but had experience in management to board level working with performance management within sport. Following the two step interview process by Elite he was submitted and shortlisted for interview. Elite were actually asked to help run the interview process and provide some questions on the day for candidates to answer in order to ascertain suitability. The interview day was between 4 candidates and the Elite candidate was the only candidate not to have healthcare or veterinary experience. After a morning of questioning followed by a business presentation our candidate was offered the position and accepted. He is still in post developing the staff and practice and is continually looking for ways to improve and develop and has been a fantastic addition to the company.

Effective recruitment has never been so important particularly in the current delicate economic climate so it’s important to get it right the first time. We are here to help with your recruitment and can guide you along the way and help identify exactly what it is you are looking for.  


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