Ways for Commercial Contractors to Grow Their Career Through Continuing Professional Development
For workers new to commercial roofing, the avenues of advancement aren't always clear. The good news is that there's no shortage of continuing professional development choices
Learning specialized skills is a classic route to career advancement
One of the clearest paths for continuing professional development is moving from worker to project manager. Project management involves staying up to date with the latest in roofing technology, following any relevant changes to the?International Building Code?and learning how to communicate effectively with the client
No roofing company will last long without a dependable pipeline of new jobs. Not everyone in sales has field experience, but crews are especially grateful to salespeople who do. Every commercial roof is different, and an experienced eye goes a long way when assessing a project. For example, a long-term care facility might seem straightforward, until you consider that their commercial kitchen vents grease-filled air to the roof, which can be a massive problem for materials such as EPDM.
Salespeople who have spent time in the field have a deeper understanding of roofing details, and they tend to have fewer unanticipated issues with their projects.
If you enjoy getting your hands dirty, roofing inspection and maintenance
Inspections and maintenance calls unfold best when they're truly collaborative: contractors and property owners or facility managers working together to keep a property protected from the elements. The result is a mix of hands-on work and customer service.
These are?only a few options for continuing professional development in your roofing career. To find the path that's right for you, consider reaching out and talking to industry veterans. In other words, network!
To some, networking sounds like an activity for bankers in suits. But it simply means treating people you work with well and making new friends. If you've ever cracked a joke with a vendor while picking up supplies, then you've been networking.
No matter what level of activity you desire, commercial roofing is a field large enough to find a job that's perfect for you. Let professional contacts know that you're eager to learn, and doors will start to open. Organizations like?National Women in Roofing?or the?National Roofing Contractors Association?are great resources, but one of the best ways to make connections and learn about career opportunities is to ask your local distributor or sales rep. They have their finger on the pulse of the local industry, and can help connect you with other experts.