Ways To Combat Identity Crisis
Have you ever felt that you are chasing after the holy grail, but all of the sudden, you are feeling aimless, powerless, or even helpless? When you are in your 20s, people say that you are on a quest to find your true self. In 30s, one can say that that could be a mid-life crisis. How about 40s and so on? ????
1.5 years ago, my husband and I took a leap of faith to this new country, Germany. It means for me that I had to quit my last job. Although I always say, “I am young, but not that young. Old, but not that old “, the move to a new environment posed an unexpected challenge to me.
I developed an identity crisis. ??
Who am I? I pondered for months. ??
In search of the answers, I’ve managed my problem with the following 3 leading thoughts:
Birthright - the childlike simplicity, is shielded by the illusions and perceptions taught by parents, society, and environment. They come in different forms. However, birthrights can be distorted ?? - don’t get me wrong, the teaching from parents always originated from love. At least 10,000 years ago, civilization proved that education brings one to a new height. If one earns more, one’s living will be better secured. As a result, there’s a notion to deter and defer our interests - until we are being identified as the somebody working in XXX company as XXX, carrying a XXX bag, driving a XXX car. Without these, who are you?
Let’s think about taking away the facade, what really matters and staying true to yourself.
Social herd instinct - ???? is a tendency among people and animals to think or behave like the majority. The positive aspect of it – you are not being left out, you are following the majority, who are supposedly right. What follows is potentially harmful when the blind lead the blind. So, it’s about what is projected on you. However, are you really You?
Let’s think about Individualization, be a boss to yourself and remove the herd mentality.
You are too busy, so you have fallen into the Clustering algorithm - ?? First, I am not a genetic expert. To briefly explain - clustering is one of the essential first steps in gene expression analysis. Either by hierarchical or portioning, clustering helps you to characterize and group according to different linkages and patterns. Hence, our brain tends to go back to the same patterns with different scenarios and encounters. Ask yourself, are you duplicating (repeating) and replicating (repeating) the received data (unhappy thoughts that make you suffer), do you need some remedies?
Let’s take some time to reflect - grab a book, drink a cup of coffee/tea, and discover and ameliorate your thought process.
Contemplate the 3??, debate with yourself and communicate with people. Believe me, you have the power to change, and you will have your real Identity. Nothing else but just you, and you will be happy.
#Remember, Success comes solely from external factors. But it does not give us the real power to be happy from inside-out. And likewise, being happy without putting any diligent effort, you can gain no success.