Way to Wealth - 3 Generational Wealth

Not an effort to sell self help. Self help often comes with the premise that you're not good enough. Like cosmetics, it does not really bring true wealth or true beauty.

Benjamin Franklin would be a good teacher to follows, as he has both the wealth, and true beauty. In finding wealth, everyone knows there are only two ways. One is you make more, the other is you spend less. and you can only assert control over one.

Beyond working night and days, working 3 jobs while others work one, there are also other factors (not that we can list them all).

When I was younger, I abandoned safety and pursued the wildest dreams. When I am older I embraced safety and avoided risks. Most older retired men and women have told me very little when it comes to the way to wealth. Nothing about getting rich quick, nothing like crypto, and great purchases of stocks or buy low and sell high.

Towards the center of what was said, is the quest to be the most useful person in the community. When we actually are useful to more people, there will be a short supply of us, and a high demand of us. Inversely to the US, which had made a great supply of itself, and not a high demand for it.

In avoiding risks, I have had to reevaluate friends and associates. One can say I do not have friends, as the true face of all my friends have been presented to me in plain day light, as well as in total darkness. I came back to life, without a friend. Let that sink in for eternity. Not an airman, not a soldier, not a sailor, not any american, not any vietnamese was there for me. I can blame them for not being there, or I can blame myself for thinking they would be there. I chosed to blame myself.

To better protect myself. seek in many places for the rules to redesign my life and strategy in life. There are 4 people that harmful to anyone seeking wealth. Or any happiness in life for that matter. Not to look down on anyone, I myself have behaved in the same manners, so I assume this is something many people have to struggle with.

  1. The downer. He loves to complain how life is not as he desired, but would have zero effort to change anything. No effort to change himself. No effort to change his settings.

Complaints could be as follow:

- Boss is difficult/stupid

- Coworker not helping

- husband threatens to hurt me, but then refuses to leave

- Company too small or not enough resources

- Not enough money to do this and that

- Not enough pay

- Create darkness for others

2. No will to go forward, and no will to retreat. These people are impossible to do anything with and will hold you in place. They say we cannot influence the majority, but the majority can influence us. That's not true about me in particular, but mostly true for us all as human. Being around these people eventually causes a decline in your wealth. All play and not much else. When company faces a hard time and must reduce in size, who should go first. The person who give more to the company, or the person who just want quid pro quo. They neither want more in life, or retreat into retirement. Just waiting to be discarded when time are hard.

You can find them with some of these indicators:

- they do just enough to not get fired. So when someone ask for a job, I wonder why they need one.

- they got paid for $10 of work, so they do just enough for $10 of work

- they show up late, and leave early consistently. Even timing the clock to make sure they do not walk in 1 minute before.

- when they are done working, they go drinking and stay hungover the next workday

3. The Narrow Mind. It is nearly impossible to launch any inititials, business or new life with these people. Whatever you want to do, they like to tell you how impossible it is, how it is not worth doing. You make a poem, they say how unoriginal. You launch a new initiative, they would say how wasteful.

4. The Jealous Friend. As long as they are superiority to you in everyway, you can remain friend. When you are confident, strong, or successfull, they would go so far as to sabotage you. Because having a friend be more successful cannot be tolerated. You can say small mind or petty, but it revolves around that threshold when you surpasses your peers. Some phd professors may have a hard time seeing their students surpass them, and that is documented enough.

These people often do not improve themselves and have gotten there with some sort of privileges, cheating, or sleeping with the right people. They will always find someone to drag down, because human nature is to progress, and these people are just not about progress. They can celebrate and cheer a stranger's success, but rest assured they cannot support a friend's to success.

The first part to wealth has so little to do with wealth, other than a philosophical understanding of the threats and managing threats. Toward the highest level of success, are those that managed risks, not those that failed to manage risk. But it takes time for the tortoise to reach the finish line. There are many ways to get rich quick. As Braum say, there is a new suck born every day. And yes, people are getting rich off of those suckers everyday, even today. I happen to avoid those people who surround themselves with suckers.

My way to wealth, is based on helping people. Yes, I help those who are ungrateful, but I am okay because the cost of preventing myself from helping the wrong people cost more than helping the wrong people at times. No my way, is to build a brand of total integrity and usefulness. When I die, the people who worked will me will still owe me favors, and out of love they will cast those favors on my children. And I want to help so many people that if my children and grandchild do nothing in life, my good merits will still bring food to their table. Because the people who bring them, are still repaying my favors.

In this days and age, where everyone one ask, what is your budget. I usually just ask, what do you need? Everytime, someone ask me how much is in my wallet, I envision a guy holding a gun outside a store telling victims to empty their wallet. How is my wallet size any of your businesses. In this days and age where work is so hard to obtain and sustain: too many people are asking for a job, but so few stand up and create jobs.

One Ukrainian developer was asking me to assist in taking on upwork jobs for him, and I had said that there are millions of you guys on upwork killing each other to make money for upwork. Why cant you guys just open your own platform and not feed upwork. He thought I was crazy. But I think I am crystal clear, so we're no longer talking about future businesses. because his idea of business is fundamentally just getting paid to spend hours. What actually benefits society is not really ever in the equation.

I have been normal before I understand how ridiculous it sound to want to create you own anything. I never thought I would create a family. I never thought I would create a corporation. I was going to be marco polo creating trade route with China when I was 13. When I was 30, I just wanted a military retirement and bury my face in boobies of the far east, and maybe europe too. But people keep asking to work for me, and I am a bit tired of saying I have no jobs to give. I have cousins and nephews struggling to find their basic needs. I thought if I do not do this, who will.

Since no one helped me, I assume no one will help them either. So I better get off my lazy butt and help them. Does anyone pay me to help them, none so far. but many have owed me a helping hand. If just 10% of them ever return me a favor of a helping hand, then I think it is worth my time. As Xi Ping said about his investment in sending bright minds to the USA and risk losing them; if 1 out of 10 of them return home to improve our country, we will win. I believe in something similar as well. If you just help more people, and just 1 of those people come back to help you, you would win. But do you have faith in the philosophy of service? It is a tall order, to put faith in a seemingly losing investment.

That's it for my way to wealth. help so many people that even a small amount of ROI is a statistical significant. The break-even point is somewhere between death and the next generation. But if I never see the return that's fine, as I am happy living as I am.

If you want more money: stop asking people how much?

instead ask, how can I serve.


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