The Way We Communicate, Part III
Lidor Wyssocky
Communication Done Right ?? Effective Communication ?? Content Shaping ?? Creativity for All ?? Co-Creation ?? 1:1 Mentoring ?? Workshops and Talks ????? #LoveIsLove
This article is part of a book I am currently writing. You can read it for free as it evolves at?
In the previous issue, we defined Near-Time Communication. In this issue, we will explore the five flaws of Near-Time Communication, and their effect on our interactions at work.
The Five Flaws of Near-Time Communication?
Near-Time Communication, be it email, instant messaging, or whatever is to come, is continuous, spontaneous, fractured, unfocused, and shallow.?
It is safe to say it was not designed to have any of these traits, but they are all inherent to how Near-Time Communication works and how we use it. If that is not enough, these five flaws create a negative feedback loop. They feed each other and create a snowball effect. Near-Time Communication is not just a bad form of communication — the more you use it, the worse it becomes.?
Near-Time Communication happens all the time — it is always present. One might consider this a positive trait, but its implications are purely negative. If email and instant messaging are “always-on,” we are also expected to be so. We are expected to be online and responsive. Even if no one says that explicitly, this expectation is an inherent part of how Near-Time Communication works: from popup notifications to the online presence indicators and read receipts. True, most of these can be turned off, and some companies have implemented one form or another of a quiet-time policy. But all these hacks are just bandaids trying to overcome the way Near-Time Communication systems are designed and the default mindset derived from their implementation.?
Yet, email and instant messaging are not just “always-on” platforms. Many of the discussions we are having using these platforms are also continuous. Some of them are practically endless. All these conversations have a beginning (although it is not always easy to find), but most of them are not limited in time, and some never reach a clear bottom line. What starts as a simple question or statement can quickly turn into a thread with dozens or more messages, and each of them can spin off into a side thread. Going back to the twenty-word statement that opened this book and the imaginary responses that followed, it is easy to see how such a brief message can be the beginning of a never-ending discussion. It could pop and re-pop in your inbox for days and weeks until someone finally decides to kill the thread and move the debate to a Real-Time Communication mode by setting up a meeting.?
Now, I’m not saying that all these discussions would necessarily be shorter if done face-to-face, although, as we will see, if done right, most of them could. But when they are done over emails and instant messages, these conversations are innately unlimited in time or attention, and overall, we spend more energy on them. Each such thread keeps evolving, changing, and sometimes backtracking, and if you don’t follow it from the start and read each message, you are practically lagging. Jumping back into the discussion, and understanding where it is in its logical flow, is increasingly difficult.
Have a look at your email inbox, Slack, or any other platform you use for Near-Time Communication?
- How many active threads do you have?
- How many abandoned threads (which were not concluded) can you find?
- What is the longest thread you have recently closed?
- How long did it take to close it?
It is widely accepted that activities and projects should have well-defined scope, time, and effort targets. Even long-term projects are partitioned into smaller parts with clear goals. You don’t have to plan everything, but you must have a well-defined milestone ahead of you to understand if you are working effectively (let alone improving your effectiveness). Given the amount of time and energy we spend on workplace communication, there is no reason why email and instant messaging should just flow aimlessly without a well-defined target and scope. But that is precisely how most Near-Time Communication is managed. Or should I say, unmanaged.?
Revisit the Near-Time Communication you took part in during the past week.
- How much control did you have on when the discussion was triggered??
- How much time did it take you to process and reply to a message on average?
- How many messages did you ignore??
I use the term Near-Time Communication for a reason. While email and instant messaging were designed as asynchronous tools, they create a sense of urgency that compels most people, in most cases, to respond in a short time. It is far from being a real-time conversation, but we do a great deal to make it as close as possible to the real thing. This is to say that instead of gaining more control over when we communicate and with whom, we have become more reactive and spontaneous.?
But if this is merely an attempt to emulate Real-Time Communication, one might argue that this is not a flaw. Real-Time Communication is often spontaneous, and even in a pre-scheduled meeting, the conversation is not scripted. The participants usually respond quickly and spontaneously to what others are saying. This mode of conversation, which is quite natural for Real-Time Communication, is not always optimal. One of the reasons many people find meetings frustrating is that they are often too spontaneous. But when it comes to Near-Time Communication, the problem of spontaneity is much more critical because we are engaged in multiple conversations at any given time. We can receive a new message, question, or reply to an insight we shared at any given time from any number of active discussions. We feel compelled to respond promptly, and the result is that often we have zero capacity to process the new information and come up with a well-thought-of, well-phrased response. The hectic nature of Near-Time Communication discourages the participants from taking the time and maximizing the value of what they share. The message is clear: respond quickly and move on to the following thread. If you take some time to process your response, you risk losing your chance to participate in the discourse. You lose your chance to affect it. If you are not quick enough, you might as well not play the game.?
When you communicate to achieve a goal, whether the goal is to come up with a creative idea, solve a problem, or analyze an opportunity, it takes time. Phrasing ideas, contemplating them, challenging them, and refining them take time. Quick, spontaneous messages are the opposite of meaningful communication, but they are the pillars of Near-Time Communication.?
So, we have multiple active threads in our inboxes, and at least some of them will take a long time to converge. We keep revisiting them because the communication is spontaneous, and we have a sense of urgency in responding to them. We spare our time and the time of the people we communicate with because we are all in this together: all of us have inboxes full of active threads and get dozens or more messages a day. Let’s admit it, we have some real work waiting for us, and to attend to it, we must clear this message queue. Therefore, it is no wonder that we try to be brief in our writing. But while being brief is undoubtedly not a bad thing, often we are too brief. And this has a tremendous toll on the effectiveness of the conversation.?
The more continuous and spontaneous Near-Time Communication is, the more fractured it becomes. In some cases, it feels like receiving random pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and trying to get a sense of the complete picture. And occasionally, each participant sends fragments of a different picture altogether.?
Let’s revisit the first paragraph of this book again and imagine it is sent as part of a near-time conversation.?
“Our workplace communication is broken. To fix it, we need to talk less, write more, and write better. Way better.”
What appears to be a complete idea at first is really just a title. It is not even an executive summary because it fails to say anything concrete about what we should do in practice. So, it calls for numerous follow-up questions. Here is one, for example:
“So we should avoid having random encounters by the coffee machine?!”
Well, as you already know by now, this would fall under informal Real-Time Communication, and obviously, we are not trying to change this kind of natural interaction. So, another piece of the puzzle is revealed:?
“No. I was actually referring to formal meetings and email threads such as this one.”
“Wait, so do you expect us to write more like this? It doesn’t sound too effective if you ask me!”
“Right. This is not what I meant by ‘write more.’ This is actually the kind of writing we should avoid.”
“Now I’m lost…”
And so, the thread goes on, with messages arriving spontaneously at random times. In the best case, each message reveals a new part of the picture and clarifies the idea. In the worst case, some messages take us back and change our understanding of something we thought we had already nailed. You might hope that things will become clearer after ten or twenty such statements, questions, and replies. They rarely do. Even if all the messages are coherent and really do gradually create a solid idea, keeping track of the logic of this fractured discourse is practically impossible.?
This is a hypothetical example, but as always, the best examples are probably in?your?inbox.?
Find a thread between at least three people from about a month ago in your inbox.
- Try to follow the discussion.?
- Does it include more than one logical thread??
- Assuming this thread reached a bottom line, can you recreate its reasoning??
- As an experiment, try sending this thread to someone who was not involved in the exchange of messages and ask them if they can follow the discussion, the logic, and the bottom line.?
A fractured conversation is never effective. It is hard to follow, and it is often incomplete even if you do manage to follow it. When you add to that the fact that the conversation is not limited in time and any participant can add new information arbitrarily, you end up with a lot of energy invested in just keeping track of the discussion instead of thinking about the core idea. When you revisit the recorded conversation in the future, you will find it extremely difficult to understand. The logic of the conversation and the arguments within it are just not well-designed and structured. They can’t be because the text is evolving sporadically. To make things worse, in many cases, the long, unstructured textual thread is the only record that will remain from the discussion. If you take a decision or some action is required, and you wish to communicate it to other people, this poorly designed thread is the only thing you have at hand.
When the conversation is unstructured, and bits of ideas, data, questions, and insights are being shared spontaneously, and when the end of the discussion is often not visible, it is just a matter of time until everyone starts to lose focus. That is why often Near-Time Communication threads feel as if they are all over the place at some point.?
We already mentioned that each conversation could potentially spin off to multiple sub-threads. Apart from making the discussion pretty much endless, each side discussion has a defocusing effect. Instead of gradually converging toward a well-defined bottom line, each sub-thread takes a slightly different path. Even if most of these threads end with a meaningful conclusion, no one can guarantee all side discussions will be aligned. But that is the relatively manageable part of the problem.?
Since most Near-Time Communication is hectic and spontaneous, and since we have little or no bandwidth for deep processing, most of what we write in emails and even more so in instant messages is practically a brain dump. This is not to say that we write nonsense. But generally speaking, we don’t invest in the writing itself. No matter how good the idea is, when we write it spontaneously in an email or an instant message, we often fail to phrase it well, and as a result, the text loses its focus. It is like staging a photographic scene and not bothering to verify the lens is focused on the subject. We mostly know what we wish to say, but this is hardly enough when we need to communicate with others. The way we articulate an idea is at least as important as the idea itself. To make things worse, each person who participates in the conversation can add to the overall defocusing effect. So, even if your original email was perfectly phrased and super clear, the first cycle of responses is likely to defocus the entire discussion. Or at least it will require quite an effort (much more than we typically invest in Near-Time Communication) to bring the everyone back to track.?
As a discussion loses its focus, there is a greater chance it will take longer to conclude. More messages will be sent, and ideas will become more fractured. In parallel, new information and insights will be shared spontaneously, and responses will also be spontaneous. Under these conditions, the chances of regaining focus decrease significantly, and the snowball effect will amplify each of the flaws we discussed.?
Remember: when communication is not effective, it doesn’t get better with time — it gets worse.
The four flaws of Near-Time Communication are a combination of design flaws and usage flaws that feed each other. In theory, you can overcome these flaws and make email and instant messaging bounded in time, more planned and less spontaneous, more structured and less fractured, and more focused. In theory. One reason this is not realistic is that Near-Time Communication is not confined to the workplace. We use instant messaging, for example, beyond just work, and it isn’t trivial to adopt a different usage mindset when we switch contexts. But more profoundly, email and instant messaging are inherently fractured and spontaneous mediums, quickly turning them into continuous and unfocused forms of communication. You can try to fight the nature of Near-Time Communication tools, just like you can probably try to write and publish a novel on Twitter. It might be technically possible, but far from being natural. It will consume a lot of energy both from you and your audience, and the result will be anything but optimal.?
The first outcome of the four flaws is well-described in?Cal Newport’s book . We are in the midst of some conversation (or multiple ones) at any given time, we must be ultra-responsive, we don’t respond on our terms, and as a result, we have less time and energy to do the meaningful work we are supposed to do. Near-Time Communication drains our ability to do any work that requires deep focus — focus needed not just to get things done but also to create new things, come up with creative solutions, and enable growth. As crucial as workplace communication is, it is merely a tool that serves other goals. Near-Time Communication, however, took over and quickly became the most time and attention-consuming work activity. Instead of helping us work better, it gets in the way of doing meaningful work. As Cal Newport writes, this is a good enough reason to consider a radical change in how we structure our working processes in general and communication in particular.?
The second outcome of these inherent flaws is no less critical: Near-Time Communication is exceptionally shallow. If communication is meant to exchange information and ideas, email and instant messaging are just poor and ineffective tools to do that. We cannot have a deep and meaningful conversation when we keep jumping from one thread to another, and when we don’t have time to process inputs, gather your thoughts, and phrase them effectively. We cannot express profound ideas when everything and everyone pushes us to be brief. When responding quickly to keep the conversation flowing is favored over thinking things through, the outcome is superficial. When our communication is shallow, the work that relies on it is likely to fail. To utilize our collective power, we need a deeper way to communicate.?
Deep communication requires space and bandwidth. Each participant should have time to gather information, process it, come up with insights, and consider how to express them. Ideas have to be not just well-phrased — they need to be challenged. They need to be refined. You have to ask tough questions, and tough questions might take time to answer. None of this is possible when you use a continuous, spontaneous, fractured, and unfocused way of communicating and when you are engaged in numerous conversations in parallel. Communication is essential when we wish to create something or solve a problem together. But not all forms of communication are equal. If communication is the food we need to work together effectively, Near-Time Communication is fast food. It seems to get the job done in the short term, but you cannot live and thrive on it for long. The more you rely on it, the greater the long-term damage you are likely to experience.?
We need a better way to feed our brains with information, insights, and ideas to do the best work we can.?
I know. I promised a solution. Just one more thing before we start fixing workplace communication.
Near-Time Communication is dominant beyond the workplace — it is present in our lives. I can’t say that we dedicate most of our time to email and instant messaging, but the frequency we attend to them and the nature of this type of interaction turn them from tools to habits. Mostly bad habits. These tools don’t just affect how we communicate when we use them — they affect how we think of communication in general. At some point, having a discussion over days and weeks, using spontaneous, fractured bits of information, insights, and questions, seems pretty normal. Social platforms that have taken over other parts of our lives are a key contributor to this mode of interaction. In many ways, they suffer from the same five flaws by design, which may be the primary reason we are blind to the problem. We normalized these flaws and accepted them as the modern way to interact and communicate. Therefore, it is no surprise that other forms of communication have gradually started to show the same symptoms. The flaws of Near-Time Communication are contagious.
Workplace meetings trigger a lot of frustration among employees and managers alike. It is not rare to see campaigns designed to reduce the overhead of meetings or make them more effective within organizations. In many cases, it boils down to shortening the default meeting time, having a meeting-free day, and reducing the number of participants. I don’t want to disparage these policies. If meetings are ineffective, reducing their impact is undoubtedly a positive step. But these policies are primarily technical. They fail to address the fundamental question: what is wrong with the way we run the formal parts of our Real-Time Communication? As you can already guess, the answer is precisely the same things that make Near-Time Communication flawed.?
Many of the work meetings we have are continuous. True, each meeting is confined to a particular time slot. But the real question is, how many meetings reach their final minutes with a clear view of what needs to be done next (apart from scheduling the next session). Any meeting that fails to generate an actionable outcome is either redundant or incomplete, which means the discussion should continue. Agenda spillover is always possible, but when this is the typical outcome, we should ask ourselves what we can do about it. And that is assuming that we even have an agenda for the meeting in the first place.?
Most workplace meetings are prescheduled, yet many of them are spontaneous in the sense that they don’t have a predefined agenda and lineup. Occasionally, we don’t even know the topic of the discussion in advance, but even if we do, we don’t always know what to expect and what is expected of us. Conversations should not be scripted, but there is a vast spectrum between knowing exactly what everyone will say and not knowing what we are expected to discuss. Spontaneity and effectiveness don’t go hand in hand in most cases.?
Since many meetings don’t have a predefined agenda, and since the expectations are often fuzzy, many discussions are fractured even when they are done face-to-face. We run from one meeting to another, and within the same meeting, we frequently switch topics before we resolve anything. When the conversation is not structured, we waste time and energy on context switching. The logical flow of anything we discuss becomes obscure. Continuing the discussion at a later point, let alone revisiting it in the future, becomes impractical and sometimes impossible.?
Being fractured, continuous, and spontaneous makes many of our meetings unfocused. It is easy to be drawn to side discussions instead of converging toward a bottom line. New issues (or sub-issues) can be raised at any point, and the center of the discussion will shift. Sometimes, this is necessary. In many other cases, it just makes the conversation fuzzy.?
Like emails and instant messaging, many of our workplace meetings are shallow. They appear to cover many topics, but they are often discussed in a way that cannot result in a good, operative decision. Even when we do reach a bottom line, it usually just scratches the surface of the problem, which is why so many meetings result in the task “to continue the discussion offline.” We just don’t make much progress in meetings, and therefore, it should not come as a surprise that many of us feel frustrated. We don’t perceive meetings as a meaningful way to communicate and promote what we need to do. We consider them to be mostly a setback.
Real-Time Communication should have been the most effective way to communicate. And yet, many of us feel we don’t utilize it well. It suffers from the same flaws as Near-Time Communication, but while these flaws are inherent to email and instant messaging, meetings should have been better. Much better. We have too many meetings because many of them are just the fallback after we couldn’t reach a decision or solve a problem using Near-Time Communication. In that sense, the typical meeting has become nothing more than the extension of an email thread. At the same time, the way we communicate using email and instant messaging has affected us so much that we rarely try to have a different kind of interaction during meetings. We accept the outcome of ineffective meetings because we know that Near-Time Communication gets in our way, and we grew to believe this is how workplace communication is doomed to be. We exchange words and sentences, but we don’t really communicate. We meet, but we fail to interact deeply.?
Workplace communication should have helped us to work better and connect. Instead, we feel less connected than ever before, and we feel workplace communication prevents us from achieving our goals. We are less productive, less effective, and make suboptimal decisions. We communicate more, but it feels like we are communicating in vain. Eventually, we feel burned out because we seem to work more and achieve less. What started as a promise became a plague. And instead of Real-Time Communication helping us overcome these flaws, it became more like Near-Time Communication.?
As work becomes more distributed, and we move into a new era where people working together can be scattered around the globe, our communication can quickly become more continuous, spontaneous, fractured, unfocused, and overall more shallow than it ever was. We could have balanced some flaws with informal and unplanned encounters in the past. When we work from anywhere, this option becomes less viable.?
The solution lies in the third form of communication — communication designed to deliver value without being intrusive. A more profound form of communication that will also help us make our real-time interactions more effective. And, yes, it relies on writing more and writing better. Way better!
In the next issue, we will envision a new type of communication that overcomes our flawed Near-Time Communication.?
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