James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Warrior Leaders are committed to their grand purpose and cause far beyond their own personal needs and desires. They care enough to give their all, even when it’s hard and it hurts.
Last week we began our exploration of six principles to help you walk the way of the warrior. We covered 3 in last weeks’ installment and today we’ll continue.
If you happened to miss last weeks’ installment go here.
Let’s explore 3 more principles today:
- To Warrior Cultures, surrender is the ultimate disgrace.
I had a reporter ask me a few months back, “James after all you’ve been through, why didn’t you go off and do something different versus returning to the same industry?
I answered quickly and emphatically: “Easy answer: clarity of purpose.”
The forces of resistance must give way to the undefeated mind and indomitable spirit that never gives up; and just keeps coming.
You see, there’s a big difference between “quitting” and giving up. Regardless of what you’ve been told, winners quit all the time.
Think about it.
Sometimes you need to quit doing the wrong things, or doing them in the wrong way.
I call this “Strategic Quitting.”
It’s a misnomer that “quitters never win.” Winners quit all the time. Quit doing the things you’re not supposed to be doing so you can do the things you should be doing. I call this “Strategic Quitting.” Strategically quit, just never give up. Big difference.
Giving up is forgetfulness and weakness.
The various types of surrender are way too deep to discuss here; but I assure you, the only time you truly fail is when, and if, you give up on yourself and life.
Never give up.
The only time you truly fail is when, or if, you give up on yourself and life. Never give up!
2. In Sparta, all actions carried high consequences.
To lose your helmet or sword in battle was punishable by a fine. Obviously not desirable.
Yet, to lose your shield was punishable by death.
The helmet and sword protected the individual Warrior.
The shield protected both he and his comrades.
One was individual.
The other was collective.
And here once again we find a mindset focused on collective good. Not just self, but others as well. (reference The Art of Warrior Leadership-2)
As we’ve previously discussed, the entire world is your community in these times of world connectivity, communication and economy.
No longer can we afford to think only for ourselves, our family, our culture or our country alone.
We must consider the greater whole. Every single action, no matter how small or great, affects everybody.
3. Honor was the highest virtue
The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. Life in every breath. This is bushido, the way of the warrior.
~ Katsumoto, The Last Samurai
When it comes to honor, I highly respect the Samurai. The greatest disgrace for them was to be dishonorable.
To do something incongruent with who you are. To live out of alignment with your mission, purpose and calling.
When you study Sparta and others, you’ll find this principle as well.
To sell out on the calling and cause upon which your very heart and soul and entire life are built, is the greatest dishonor.
Selling out is the greatest of prostitution; and the greatest disgrace.
To sell out on the calling and cause upon which your very heart and soul and entire life are built, is the greatest dishonor. Selling out is the greatest of prostitution; and the greatest disgrace.
Be honorable.
Give yourself fully and completely to a cause much greater than your own creature comforts and small-self needs and desires.
This is an honorable life.
This is Bushido.
What has to happen for you to once again integrate and embrace the Way of the Warrior into your daily life?
To do this is to become an example of possibility to the world.
You see. our objective is not to return to ancient wisdom, rather to bring ancient wisdom into a modern era.
It’s time.
Maybe past time.
Stay Awake, Love Life, and Be Epic,