Way to go…...How to continue?
Sreeraman Nandhi
Christ University Bangalore - Assistant Professor - Placement Coordinator / Former Regional Manager Cipla Ltd / Former Business Manager MSD Vaccines / Former Business Manager Ranbaxy Labs Ltd
·??????? It is always said successful people wakes up early before the 'Sun Rise'
·??????? They work on their mind and body before starting the day.
·??????? When we talk about billionaire in this universe, we can always relate to the Pareto principle. Most of these billionaires at some point in time, started from the bottom.
I'm Responsible:
·??????? Blaming is the number one reason for people being unhappy, it sets in a negative emotion
·??????? When we continue to blame means we still remain as children, no matter how old we have grown.
·??????? We are responsible for our goals. When we write our goals every single day, we get an opportunity to write 365 days a year.
·??????? Goals not written has no energy, no power to drive us.
·??????? Caution: Share goals only to those individuals who wants us to be happy and this in turn makes us happy
Continuous Learning & Personal Development:
·??????? Learning two hours a day can nourish our personal development, this is the the vitamin of successful people
?To know more listen to ‘Brian Tracy’