On the Way to #GES2016
Today I have made brief outlining of my preparation process for GES2016 ?#?FB? page. Briefly on myself. I am civic leader from Belarus/Eastern Europe with over 15 years of top experience in Human Rights and Children's Rights, I am visible on Global level award-winning head of non-profit, strongly interesting in development of effective and cost-efficient tools of long-term sustainability of civil society in developing countries. And social entrepreneurship is one of the most important and effective tools to reach my aim. In other hand, we have developed and partially launched here the ?#?UnitedChildProtectionModel?, and now I am looking for social impact/angel/tutor investment to scale it up that on global level. This is why I am at ?#?GES2016?. And thanks to extremely important support of the ?#?USDepartmentOfState? and ?#?USEmbassyMinsk?. The introduction is completed! Now - about news of today. I got positive confirmation from ?#?RocketSpace? side event - great news, and got one another refusal, its pity.... I still waiting for confirmation from ?#?WorldEconimicForum? side event to be and speak there. As to the main schedule of #GES2016, all master calsses are of extremal interest and importance!!!! Indeed, its too difficult to make a choice. I am still doing that, aiming to my choice is right:) Tomorrow I am going to the ?#?USConsulateMinsk? to obtain my Visa J-1. So, everything is very well for now. My fears are just about ?#?WorldEconomicForum?... Fingers are crossed...
My friends in the USA said me that... To be continued...