A way forward together
The Republican Party Platform that I would like to promote and see adopted. I am one of the biggest Mark O. Hatfield fans out there as a native Oregonian. I am not even sure Mark would share my take on the following, but we are sensible people wanting to live our lives in the best way possible in the greatest country in the world.
I believe in the following whether Republican or Democrat, but as an American and as an individual, I prefer to think for myself based on my experience in education, business and life. This might be my native Oregonian way of looking at the world for those who were born pre - 1982 in the great state of Oregon.
( I love construction sites, because it shows me progress in Thought, Art, Architecture and Engineering Applied Science)
Civil and religious liberty
"Civil and religious liberties recognized in the U.S. Constitution are God-given and therefore unalienable. These fundamental liberties are protected in the Bill of Rights and reaffirmed in State Constitutions."
(Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist........)
I believe in a women's right to an abortion. We have the scientific ability to do so and it is not my body. At the same time, I value human life and don't believe this is something that should be used because of poor judgement(both male and female). How will I know this, in any instance, should one seek an abortion? The simple answer is " I will not!". I leave it up to God to judge, because I cannot cast the first stone.
Limited government
"We uphold strict compliance with the constitutional limitation of the federal and state governments and believe limiting the role of government is essential toward building economic prosperity and fostering individual freedom."
(This is true, but it is also true that bridges, bigger than capitalists can build, require the use of government to achieve social buy-in, whether that is energy independence, healthcare, social security, Marshall Plan, etc...)
Economic opportunity
"The greatest economic opportunity can best be achieved through imposing as few restraints as possible on private property, industry, recreational opportunities and trade."
(Absolutely... I like progress, freedom and less taxes)
Rule of law and justice
"Laws should reduce and deter crime through the application of strong and appropriate punishment, up to and including the use of the death penalty."
(Defunding the Police has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of in my lifetime. We are a society of rules and laws and we all benefit from adherence to those through formal means or social contracts. I always say, "if you don't like the law, find enough people and change the "damn" law!")
National security
"A strong national defense is necessary for government to fulfill its primary function, which is protecting its citizens and their individual rights."
(I will take America over any other country that I have visited, and with that we shall stand together with our allies near and abroad to protect the greatest country on earth we have ever known, seen or dreamed about)
National sovereignty
"The US Constitution is our supreme law of the land. The President shall not negotiate and the Senate shall not ratify any treaties, U.N. resolutions, agendas or foreign law, religious or otherwise, that are contrary to the US Constitution."
(Amen 100%)
Immigration policy
"The United States government must protect all of our borders from illegal crossings."
(Absolutely, and we must also recognize we are a nation of immigrants and the dynamics and characteristics of that national representation will change over time. We have immigrated people from other countries that were their best thought leaders, best risk takers, and people who want a better life for themselves and their families; and this has been great positive since the inception of the United States. We want to continue to import/immigrate the best and brightest people, people who can productively contribute to society, and the best people that the world has to offer and not have open borders and not an implied open border for any and all comers. We benefit from people who want the American dream. We have immigration laws and we need to enforce them. I am a descendant of Immigrants like many before me and many after me! We need to find compromise on immigration reform......)
Monetary policy
"Inflation, skyrocketing debt and global economic instability are the consequence of a debt-based monetary system utilizing fiat currency."
(This is true and we should always live within our means and be a creditor nation or a debtor nation that backs its monetary value by the price of gold, silver, rare earth minerals or other commodities that have an intrinsic economic value with regards to our daily lives)
Fiscal policy
"We must not allow irresponsible government spending to burden our children with crushing public debt."
(This is a truth we should adhere to; some generations have been better than others at responsibly managing their assets and future income streams. The Baby boomer generation will most likely need to take a haircut on social security so that the generations after them have a functional retirement system)
"It is the primary duty of parents, not the state, to protect, nurture, and prepare their children for adulthood."
(Family is a product by which our society functions best)
"We believe the primary authority and responsibility for educating our children resides with the parents, including important moral, religious, and values-based education."
(This might be a nice to have, but we need to make sure our society has a minimal level of education and public institutions have demonstrated they provide a needed service to our communities and should be given the resources needed to improve as needed. At the same time these institutions need to be held accountable for the results in achieving academic standards that rank the US in the top five globally. So far, the Department of Education has not lived up to achieving this and therefore a complete overhaul is needed. )
"We believe the greatest healthcare system in the world is preserved by minimizing government control."
(Usually this is true, but it is also true everyone who is living should have access to a minimal level of preventive care and emergency care for critical events in life. We are humans and regardless of our life choices, we need healthcare if society deems longevity is a functioning requirement for a healthy society. One proper role of government is to Protect Life!)
Property rights
"The proper role of government is to protect 'life, liberty and property.' Republicans and the majority of Americans believe there is a fundamental relationship between free societies and the protection of private property rights."
"Societies rise and fall based on the strength of the nation’s agriculture. The free market is the best mechanism to secure a strong agricultural base."
(To the extent a country has a large agricultural base, then this is a national security issue)
Energy and environment
"We support a comprehensive energy policy for the United States, allowing access to and use of its abundant energy resources, consistent with free-market principles and minimal government regulation."
(This is true, but policies are defined and modified from time to time and this transition to energy independence might require public/private partnerships or the government to be a "bridge" to transition from one policy to another..... and thus this is a critical national security issue)
"Our transportation system, comprised of roads, rail, air, and waterways, as well as our ports and ferries, play important roles in moving people and products in the United States of America. Policies should provide effective and efficient systems and not artificially control transportation choices."
(Eliminate the Jones Act)