The way forward for AI Adoption: Optimization of the human-in-the-loop and data pipeline automations.
Computer vision as a technology gained lots of traction in the last decade. More and more enterprises put it in their top priority point that they want to pursue and put a plan, strategy and budget? under their digital transformation push for automation.?
Fast forward today, we see that 80% of those plans turned out to be a failure. Reasons are as varied as it could be. Sometimes enterprises couldn't find the talent, money or sometimes due to lack of understanding of use cases at leadership level. Which results in lost of patience.
Why did that happen?
It has multi-fold answers if you look into it.
Here are few most common reasons mention in volume of occurrence-
1. Enterprises couldn't find the right use case where they can get consensus from the stakeholders. This is definitely a great direction to deep dive as this requires a lot of awareness push via storytelling.?
2. Top leaderships don't understand the iterative nature of computer vision development and lose patience.
3. Computer vision development process is very fragmented and involves so many players, it is a miracle to manage them and see the success.
and many more...
But we're not talking about the unsuccessful ones, we have to look at those 20% of those who got successful to put at least 1 use case in production and what is the story behind them.
Computer development lifecycle
At high level, there are 3 stage that goes into computer vision lifecycle and those are-
Enterprises get their data either by?
But the most crucial part in the whole process is to get training data in an easy to consume format by AI models.
Data annotation problem has been solved as there are a plethora of BPO companies to provide manual workforce and also numerous tools to manage the project which we generally call training data platform or data annotation tool.
But why still enterprises face such a hard time getting their data labeled.
Some of problems that they encounters are
The core issue lies in not optimizing the “human-in-the-loop” powered data annotation process itself.
Human in the loop is a very opaque, inefficient and poorly managed part of this whole puzzle especially at a scale for medium to high stakes AI.
Recently, several platforms introduced features like active learning, autolabel, and pre-trained models to speed up the annotation process but introducing these is not enough. They can only speed up an already wrong process, which results in poor output.
How to optimize humans in the loop?
It requires a process which governs the complete lifecycle of training data generation activities involving data collection, data curation, data annotation and its quality assurance before the ingestion of training data into model training process. The process we’re proposing is the outcome of the best practices, implementing ML technique and experience that comes out of working on numerous different use cases.
We call it the "Smart feedback loop".