The way coups happen and true life experiences coupled with its ramifications

Before i start our West African leaders should read Ecclesiates 4 :13 -16,thats what the spirit says i should deliver to them.My parents experienced 1966 coup, my Dad had started life as a journalist who was stationed at Flagstaff house.He reported from Congo at the war front to GBC then.My mom was still in school and also experienced it.I was born when Osagyefo was in exile so i never saw him but i may have experienced him in later life, you wont understand this but i did my first national service at State house job 600 building.I was the young boy who presented a book to Desmond Tutu when he visited Ghana during apartheid regime and was on a committee under the Foreign ministry so i met top ranking people like Justice P. E Archer.I saw Mandela when he came to state house after his release from prison, he arrived there in a helicopter and was in a grey suit, i was there and was very close to him and shook hands with him.Now I had personal experience with Kutu Acheampong because my Dad who later on joined the civil service became an MCE in Takoradi so that is the connection.

Now in those times life was cool ie 1970's era, as the kid of a civil servant my Dad was able to buy a new , l mean brand new Datsun 1600 sss from his salary.Then the cedi to dollar exchange was 1 cedi to 1 dollar.Under Kutu there was food prodction in excess under ''operation feed yourself''.That was a Ghana we produced Neoplan buses, Willowbrook buses Bedford Mimo the schools were using and VW beetle assembly plant at UTC motors and we had exports.We got 60% from our gold exports not the 3% we get today.Not only me but most civil servants then going by those who lived in Windy Ridge with us(neighbours) and even at other areas lived good compared to today.At a point people started hoarding basic goods because govt had to release import licenses and as a result, sardine , Tinapa, milk,etc etc were in short supply, artificial shortage because people were hoarding and reselling at high price and we have that situation today.The goods are in abundance now, but when tax goes up by 2% the trader would increase by 20% and in asddition stinking profiteering ,sometimes 200% profit and that is the problem and one major cause of coup de tats in Africa.So under Kutu suddenly there were queues for these items and not only that, the police was equipped such that the military became ''weak' because the police now had Mowag armored tanks and until the 90's those tanks were still around.The police could dare the military, and makola the place where hoarding and profiteering was rife, soldiers often got embarrassed by makola women who could throw urine at uniformned officers,so are you surprised the military demolished makola,yes that is it.The police who dared the military abandoned some of those tanks which were found at Tepa after the coup.The high command in the military lived good, my own uncle who was a head of Ghana Navy then lived good ,visit his official house at Cantonments, Anchor house is the official residence of Navy heads and you see good living.Carpet everywhere even on the staircase.It even had a piano room and close by were other military heads in their official bungalows.But the junior officers lived in penury , and still today their fridges sit outside their rooms.and they saw their seniors living in affluence, so Rawlings started the insurrection against this system because some of the military bosses had taken up posts in state institutions as heads.Let me be frank here, the corruption then was nothing compared to today,Kutu Acheampong for example never built bought or owned his own house.Gen Akuffo was said to be corrupt because items were taken from state hoiuse to his residence at Akropong and we hear of golden spoons etc etc and all these were retrieved after the coup but where are they?.

In 1979 Rawlings struck, it was june 4th and where was i?.My father had been transferred from Tadi to Koforidua as DCE, he took over from colonel Minyila.It was my dad who removed permanently the biggest refuse dump in town near the Chiefs palace and till date we have a cleaner town.Those days you walk the street with care because people defeacated anywhere on the streets,it was not like Takoradi.The Galloway road was tarred by old man and we lived on that road, the last storey building on the right, i.e heading from the circuit court towards Eredec Hotel, the last storey building on the right at the mini roundabout.We were at the residence of one Mr Adjovu celebrtating the daughters birthday party and all civil servants in the town who happened to live around came to the party with their kids, then one Elvis Aryeh who was once a graphic editor and i think he headed the NMC once came in and announced there was a coup d tat and there was panic, i did not know what it was,Everyone got into his car and drove off, i remember Edith Agbotui of blessed memory wife of Mr Adjovu parcelled food for all of us to take home.I saw bullets flying in the air and started crying that bullets were killing somebody , that was when Odartey Wellignton got shot whiles trying to foil the coup in Accra but i was seeing bullets in Koftown.Later on the millitary Generals were executed.It was a coup against the affluent in society so i saw rich people in town being attacked by soldiers for no reason,and top civil servants salary was reduced and at par with a messenger,(power to the people , (''we no o sit down make them cheat us everyday'') were popular slogans and all these happened.Then they said ''equality'',so the rich who got to where they were either by dint of hardwork or probably corruption would be reduced to the level of a carpenter.So there was also ''let the blood flow''.A soldier decided that all those above 55 years must be executed and another suggested and infact there was a long list of people to be executed and Kweku Baako talks of this but it did not happen.One Oteng a private businessman in Koftown had bought a Mercedes 280s , the soldiers seized his car , used it to collect refuse and destroyed it , all in the name if we are investigating your source of income.People were flogged for having two toilets in their house, it was not a crime but it became a crime.Soldiers were just beating people ,all that is needed is for somebody to report you and you are invited and beaten.Food vendors were beaten for selling above control price ,meanwhile no one had fixed any price limit,if a soldier feels your meat pie must sell at 5 pesewas and you sell at 20 pesewas he can seize the whoile lot, sell at 5 pesewas pocket the proceeds or even if you are lucky give you the proceeds ,some were stripped naked in public and flogged.After 6 months or so there was a handing over and Limann came.

Things retiurned to normalcy but the kalabule begun in earnset again, Ghanaian traders and our insatiable desire for super normal profits,hoarding of essential commodities was the order of the day, long queues and tribalism in Parliament,ie the third republic and in fighting so there was stagnation, Limann became the victim.Oga JJ rose again in 1981 December 31st and where was i?i was with my mom in town around Jacksons park so we rushed home.I was not happy though mummy had bought me a new toy.Then my Dad had been transferred to Accra to the Castle but we were still in the bungalow waiting for the occupant of new bungalow allocated to my dad at Roman Ridge to move out. My dad drove through the night , picked us up and we stayed at the Aburi gardens.There i saw brutalities by soldiers who came around ,there was this Kojo Lee who was executed by firing squad, he was a trigger happy soldier.One night Duncan Williams , then a young man , together with some of these top pastors, i think Tackie Yarboi and some others were in the gardens holding a retreat and this Kojo Lee guy accused them of being dissidents, started firing shots into the air and arrested them to Aburi police station.Old man was angry and went to the police station to demand their releae but the police were afraid.Later on old man went higher and these guys were released, Kojo Lee met my dad and accosted him, i was scared but old man faced him and Kojo Lee had to back off.I saw that guy slap a motorist around Tudu just because to him the man was driving recklessly, somebody in traffic.In Roman Ridge we had soldiers occupying the private houses around, i saw how people were thrown out of houses they had built there because those lands were public lands, to those grabbing public lands left and right this is what you risk one day.One Mr Appiah was beaten to death in my presence by soldiers and PDC guys,a soldier called corporal Teku hit Mr Appiah with an iron bar and he fell and died in front of his own house.A house we used toplay in and that house today i think is a clinic.Railway workers were once given that house because it has many apartments.I saw Linda Dor being whipped in Koftown by soldiers, what did she do? she took a loan from the bank and received 80 lashes of the whip on her butt in public.I have so much to say but let me end here, but at the castle , the seat of office of the President a certain soldier asked all the senior civil servants to come out and dance, grown up men were dancing to no music and the secretaries were asked to come out and see their bosses dancing.My oldman refused to join the dance so this soldier marked him.My dad was in charge of personnel , this same soldier ordered that the senior civil servants at the Castle should do scrubbing on a saturday and my dad responded that there were enough cleaners being paid by the state to do cleaning so senior officers cannot come and do scrubbing.One day my dad went to castle on a saturday to pick a set of keys he had left in the office accompanied by a neighbor, it was his private car keys , then there was an order that official cars cannot be used at weekends so Mr Adjei accompanied my Dad with his private car to pick my dads car keys from the office,this soldier saw my dad and asked him why he was there and he answered.The soldier asked my dad and his friend to hold their ears and hop like frogs but my dad refused, there was an altercation and a senior officer came by and asked the soldier to stop the nonsense.That soldier a few days after fell from the first floor at the castle and his gun went off and hit the leg so he had his leg amputated and that ended his career in the army..People thought my dad had done something to him but no , it was Gods retribution.My dad decided he wont work at the office of the Prsident again as a result.All the soldiers in Roman Ridge who killed Mr Appiah died,Oscar and his friend fell into a stream and drowned in Takoradi,Teku was killed by his own gun in his room, some went mad and the PDC guy Nimako turned into something i cannot even describe and i dont expect him still to be alive.

Let me end by saying we are inviting coup with our insatiable desire to make quick money , not only govt complicity in this, we are also part and when this happens we shall all pay the price because you will be driving your nice car and a soldier would just flag you to stop and take over the car and that is it.The next thing you would hear is your car is damaged or destroyed.Many people retrieved their seized cars through my dad because he was at the castle then and in many cases those cars did not return the same.One civil servant called Theman went on a course in Netherlands bought a bus and a soldier just picked it up at the port and crushed it, the man died upon hearing what happened to his vehicle.I have lots of stories and experiences,these are unavoidable ramifications of a coup so lets all be advised.I say if it happens to change a corrupt regime so be it but after that there should be a change for the better ,however its not a nice thing.


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