This is the Way Android App Push Notification Works!

This is the Way Android App Push Notification Works!

How businesses get hold their customers’ interest in their products and keep the profit graph high? There are many ways to achieve this, but mobile app with push notification system is considered as one of the best ways to achieve this. With the push notification system, each and every update the product and exclusive offers can easily be pushed towards customers in order to keep them engaged.Hence maximum app owners are preferring to implement push notifications. No matter if the app is running background or inactive, push notification makes sure the relative content is delivered on time, which brings value for a user and business.For your information, Android application development companies in London are the best among others who create functional push notification system to Android apps.

Here I am going to explain how the push notification process works and what things the developers need to consider when building such an amazing feature.

Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

Google Cloud Messaging for Android is a Google Play Service that helps in sending particular information from severs to Android Applications on Android devices and receiving it from the devices through the same connection. There are so many services for push notifications for Android. The majority of them are based on Google Cloud Messaging.All the features regarding the order of hierarchy of push notification delivery are taken care by GCM service. GCM is hassle free to use without any limits in the number of push notifications.

GCM User Notifications:

GCM invites to subscribe for push notifications and transfer the data with a single device or even with multiple devices that belongs to one user. This is called user notifications. The way this thing works needs the following clarifications:

  • If a push notification was opened on one device, it will be removed from all the other devices. After all, reading the news in different papers will not make any sense.
  • The same logic works for pushes which haven’t reached their destination. If the data was sent to only one device out of three, for example, then it is unable to deliver the data to others. If the push notification wasn’t delivered at all, it will be in pending list and waitfor permission to deliver the data.
  • Devices can exchange pushes with each other by sending permissions to each other to the server with a notification key. This is the only way that you can synchronize definite actions, like alerts on your multiple mobile devices.

GCM Cloud Connection Server (ССS)

GCM Cloud Connection Server allows synchronizing the data through Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol XMPP protocol, which is message oriented middleware used for communication like messaging.

GCM Architecture

Steps to explain how push notification works on Android devices:

  1. First Android device sendssender ID, application ID to GCM server for registration.
    2. Once registration is successful, GCM server issues registration ID to Android device.
    3. After receiving registration ID, the device will send the registration ID to your server.
    4. Your server will store the registration ID in the database for later use.
    a. Whenever a push notification is needed, your server sends a message to the GCM server along with the device registration ID (which has been stored earlier in the database).
    b. GCM server will deliver that message to the respected mobile device using the device registration ID.

Want to develop a push notification enabled Android app?

If yes, FuGenX can help you in this. FuGenX is one of the premiere Mobile Application Development Companies in London, UK. We have developed many successful applications like Vodafone, Big Basket, Byju’s, and Ztocky with functional push notification system. We are award-winning  iOS App Development Companies in London.

If you want to develop world-class Android application, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or


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