Waving Goodbye...

Waving Goodbye...

Waving goodbye to Marketing Overwhelm.

They are overwhelmed, anxious, and defeated.

Working hard on their marketing efforts, they haven't been able to break through, never reaching the level of visibility and success they desire.

This lack of progress understandably leads to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and even hopelessness.

A huge FOMO - that they're missing out on opportunities to grow their business, connect with new clients, and make an impact in their industry.

This is a story typical of many coaches and consultants.

I get it.

The feeling of being stuck in a current situation creating a sense of powerlessness and a lack of control over their own destiny.

The pressure to succeed and stand out in a crowded marketplace is intense - causing a great deal of stress and anxiety - marketing overwhelm.

And being stuck in the overwhelm is a downward spiral - because the complex mix of negative emotions hinders their ability to move forward and achieve their goals.

There is a simple solution, one which literally leaves behind that overwhelmed feeling.

Creating a profound sense of relief, hope, and excitement.

Like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders, and that they now have a clear path forward for achieving their marketing goals.

The new knowledge, skills, and strategies they have learned are empowering, and they are washed with a renewed sense of confidence in their ability to promote themselves and their business effectively.

The feeling of being in control of their marketing efforts and having a clear roadmap for success can create a sense of purpose and direction that can carry over into other areas of their life.

A transformative effect on their personal and professional growth.

It is as simple as creating a marketing system for their business which totally fits them and aligned to their values.

Which will take them from not having much of a clue, knowing their marketing needs to be better, to nailing a simple content plan for the next 90 days, based totally on them and their awesome business.

I had this idea

A small group program over zoom for coaches and consultants struggling to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Gaining a sense of connection and belonging with the other participants in the expert-led program which will be validating and energizing.

Feeling part of a community of like-minded individuals who share their aspirations and values, which is deeply fulfilling.

Providing skills, knowledge, and support to achieve marketing goals in the next 90 days and beyond.

Quick results, simple to put in place,

So they can be seen and finally make their mark in their industry.

If I was to deliver a one stop small group coaching over Zoom giving you a marketing system for your business which totally fits you, how would you like it delivered?

  • A?over 1 day?
  • B?a couple hours a week for 4 weeks/30 days?
  • C?shorter sessions over 6-8 weeks?
  • D?…or something else?

Comment below or message me - thank you.

Make Your Marketing Matter: A?Monthly Linked In Newsletter: Positive Marketing to Bring You the RIGHT People to Your Business, to MAKE a Profit and PROTECT the Planet.

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Rachel Bentley is a Chartered Marketer and Master Leadership Coach and Mentor. If you're a coach or consultant, she promises you a marketing strategy that fits with your style and values rather than what others say you SHOULD be doing.?

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