The Waves Building
If you are not impressed by this building ... Nothing will it!

The Waves Building

Past, present and future of New York integrate in a building unparalleled, whose facade evokes the movements of the waves.

California turned to the door when the last “normal” customer was gone, observed a moment the outside, all was quiet, and then closed the main entrance of the restaurant. Returned to the inside, where the others four members of the group were waiting in their chairs (scattered in the enclosure), they had decided put pseudonyms of the United States of America, thus, in front of her, were WashingtonMaineOklahoma and Nebraska.

Washington spoke, he was the boss, the brain of the operation, presented to the group to Maine, who did not know the rest, and the suspicions were soon appear, perhaps, she was police. But the boss answered for her, the discussion was closed… for the moment. So, he invited to show the information gathered by the rest of the team, Oklahoma, Nebraska and California.

Discover more about this curious group of characters, their intentions ... and the most different building of New York !!! ... HERE


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