Wave News: Talent Matters podcasts are back, May jobs data, tips to encourage candidates to return to your website and more

Wave News: Talent Matters podcasts are back, May jobs data, tips to encourage candidates to return to your website and more

By Emily Buckley

Hello and welcome to the June edition of Wave News! It feels like summer has finally arrived and, despite the seemingly constant dreary news regarding the UK economy, we are feeling some incredibly positive vibes in the air.

Firstly, we are thrilled to have just heard that we have been shortlisted as a finalist at the Recruiter Awards 2022 in the Recruitment Industry Supplier of the Year category. We’re honoured to be recognised amongst some huge names in the industry and can’t wait to celebrate at the awards do!

We are full of excitement here at Wave HQ as we prepare for the UK Recruiter Recruitment Technology Showcase on 23rd June. We’ll be doing speed demos and Wave CEO Dave Jenkins will be hosting a masterclass on the vital importance of getting your job ad right, packed full of loads of actionable advice. He’ll also be taking part in the Tech Stack Challenge and the team will be on hand to chat throughout the day. Come along and see us if you can but in the meantime check out this podcast, in which Dave, alongside 3 other recruitment technology providers, chats to Louise Triance about what your recruitment business needs to look like to thrive.

The positive vibes continue with the re-launch of Wave’s Talent Matters podcasts. Dave Jenkins is back on your screens and in your headphones talking to a diverse line-up of recruitment faces. Each episode will feature a different industry professional talking about their experiences in the recruitment space, sharing their insights and offering advice. It seemed only right to kick the podcast series off with a face everyone in the industry knows and respects, Louise Triance. A bonafide leading authority in the recruitment arena, Louise is incredibly well placed to share insights into what people in the industry and feeling, saying and doing right now, as well as some fantastic tips.

Meanwhile, the WaveTrackR May 2022 Recruitment Trends Report showed increases in both jobs and applications. They may only be slight rises but this is nonetheless welcome news following worrying predictions that businesses will begin to struggle due to inflation, rapidly rising energy costs and ongoing supply chain issues. We dig into all the data to formulate a picture of the jobs market in May.

We also look into candidate ghosting and how you can utilise recruitment technology to avoid it. Your hiring process is a reflection of your brand and ghosting can severely damage that. Communication, hand-in-hand with building and nurturing those relationships, is key to retaining candidate trust and recruitment technology can aid in the practicalities of that in a busy recruitment agency.

With so much recruitment technology on the market, and more launched all the time, how do you know what is worth investing in? What makes great recruitment technology? It’s a question we hear asked all the time so we’ve compiled a guide to defining what makes a piece of recruitment tech great, from great support, to a seamless integration, and more.

In RecWebs news, the analytics tool your website uses will cease to exist next year and we are getting ahead of the game to ensure a smooth transition. We explain it all - why it’s happening, what is changing, what the benefits will be, and what you’ll need to do (spoiler alert: most RecWebs clients won’t have to do a thing).

It’s no secret that recruitment is an incredibly crowded market. With close to 30,000 recruitment agencies in the UK, it is vital that your business stands out from your competitors. One way to do that is with a professional recruitment website that strengthens your brand positioning and sets you apart from the crowd, as well as attracting candidates and clients and advertising your job boards. At the very least, in an increasingly digital world it is business critical to have an online presence. Still not sold? We lay out 5 reasons every recruitment agency needs a website.

Candidates act in much the same way as buyers when viewing a recruitment website. They might go through a number of stages before they commit – awareness, consideration, decision. It can be days, weeks, months, even years in between their first point of contact with you and an application being made by them. What’s important isn’t that they apply right away (they may not be ready) but that they return. In our article on the subject, we offer top tips to encourage candidates to keep coming back to your website.

In the best of the rest from the world of recruitment, you can read about the importance of reducing time-to-fill in the current market (and tips on how to do it), how record numbers of organisations are offering 4-day weeks in a bid to compete for talented candidates, why ensuring you’re in sync with what candidates want now is vital, how gaining feedback from candidates that accept an offer with a competitor should be a standard part of a recruiter’s role, and 6 ways to uncover hidden talent.

We hope you enjoy this bumper edition!

What's new...

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Talent Matters podcasts are back: Dave chats with… Louise Triance

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WaveTrackR May 2022 Recruitment Trends Report reveals sluggish increases in jobs and applications

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How to use recruitment technology to avoid ghosting candidates

Nobody wants to be ghosted. Not only is it unethical and unnecessary, it can leave a very sour taste in a candidate’s mouth. Ghosting a candidate during the recruitment process could not only cause distress to the candidate, it could damage your brand. We offer ways in which you can utilise your recruitment tech to avoid ghosting any candidate, no matter how busy you are.

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What makes great recruitment technology?

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Google Analytics 4 – what it is, what it means, what you need to do

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5 reasons every recruitment agency needs a website

We live in an increasingly digital world. A strong online presence that represents your recruitment business well, allows users to easily find the information they need, communicates your values and performs as a job board, is essential to compete in a fast-moving and challenging market. We can think of dozens of reasons recruitment agencies need a recruitment website but have set out the 5 biggest ones here.

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Top tips to encourage candidates to return to your website

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What we are reading...

Why reducing time-to-fill is business-critical in a low candidate market

Unemployment has officially fallen to its lowest level in nearly half a century, while the number of job vacancies outnumber those out of work for the first time on record. In an article written for UK Recruiter, I explain why reducing time-to-fill is crucial in such a competitive market and offer some tips on how to streamline your recruitment process.

Job postings for four-day week roles up 90% as employers seek new ways to fill record vacancies

At a time when there are more job vacancies than unemployed people in the UK, recent data from CV-Library shows a surge in job ads offering 4-day weeks. Could that be the new way to attract talented candidates?

Tackling the talent shortage myth

Talent shortage or a shortage of jobs that address what candidates and employees want now? This article looks at ways that the current candidate availability situation can be re-framed and turned around.

Could you answer this client question?

When a candidate accepts another job offer and turns down your client’s, do you ask them for feedback? Greg Savage argues that part of your role as an advisor, consultant and partner to your clients is to gain such insight and turn it into valuable and actionable steps for the future.

Is your applicant pool running dry? Six ways to uncover hidden talent

The ongoing candidate shortage means finding alternative methods to source talented candidates and attract them to your jobs is vital. This article details six ways to uncover hidden talent.

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