This Watson Wire was released on January 26, 2023. To view previous Watson Wire newsletters, please click here.
I’m truly excited and happy to have this opportunity to work with my Council colleagues and city staff to serve you.
A civic-minded constituent recently reminded me of the?Oath of the Athenian City-State, which includes the promise to “transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.”
Greater, better, more beautiful…I like that. That’s a good goal for all of us.
“Austin, Texas is a truly exceptional place. It is a place where you, and I, and all of us, can live our very best lives. And I know in my heart that keeping it that way, is squarely within our power. If we choose now to act deliberately, and decisively, together, in pursuit of a shared positive but practical vision, I know we can make the next part of our story even more amazing.”
The Ground Rules
Over the years, I’ve put together my Ground Rules for bringing about positive change. These rules — basically a list of lessons learned in public service and life generally — guide me as sort of personal code or an articulation of ethics. They’re an answer to the frequent question: How will you govern or approach things as Mayor?
I’ve shared the?Ground Rules?over the years in a variety of venues. It’s flattering that I’ve even heard some other folks cite them – as their own. As I start this new public service journey, it seemed appropriate to share them again:
- Be willing to throw away labels.?I believe we label each other far too readily, and that label becomes an excuse not to hear what someone may really think. It also erases empathy for that person, which diminishes understanding. My goal is to work with all interested parties, without regard to labels. I’m hopeful — with good reason, I think — that people will approach me the same way.
- Listen carefully and speak plainly.?The key is to really listen and to openly state a position. Politics is filled with people talking past one another or regurgitating platitudes. The best work comes from speaking openly, really listening, and avoiding pre-packaged talking points.?And be willing to experiment with new ways for people to hear each other.
- It’s ideal to get results even if they’re not ideal.?You’re not going to meet everyone’s concept of perfection or what they think is the ideal.?So don’t try. Don’t define “consensus” as 100% agreement.?That likely results in something unworkable and impractical or it gives some person or entity too much veto power.?If I can come up with something that a good chunk of the public would look at and say, “That’s not exactly how I’d do it, but it’s pretty good and it’s progress,” then I’m probably going for it. I know I won’t always get unanimity, and if I wait to act until I get 100% support, there likely will be no action. Also, I try to not demand my concept of perfection.
- Be biased toward action.?Too often in politics, people seem to fear failure, or the possibility that they’ll be upstaged by the next idea that comes along. I’d rather make a mistake trying something than doing nothing out of fear.
- Never forget that hope matters.?Public service should have goals of assuring hope and creating opportunity for happiness.
- Have a short-term focus with a long-term vision.?One of the “gifts” of cancer is that I learned there may not be a tomorrow. So, I try to focus on achieving results right now, but in a way that benefits the long term. Both of those — the now and the future — are essential, but too often people lose track of one or the other.
- Know your core values and assets and be willing to admit weaknesses.?I try to assess my values, assets, and weaknesses routinely. Clearly, right now is a good time to take that sort of stock.
- Avoid the nitpickers, naysayers and know-it-alls?(okay, so maybe there are a few good labels). We all know those folks who kill good ideas by picking them to death rather than working toward a solution. They only want to win the battle in their way. It isn’t called “negative energy” for nothing.
- Create new and different constituencies and avoid creating unnecessary enemies.?In the first place, even when I disagree with someone, there’s no reason to do it in such a way that they never want to work with me on something we agree about. I also try to look at an idea or policy position from another person’s point of view. It’s worth it when you can tweak a proposal to bring everybody — or, at least, most everybody — on-board.?A “win” doesn't have to include the destruction of an opponent.
- Focus on the positive,?even in situations that are difficult.?Too many people in public service today seem angry. I guess it’s probably easy to get cynical. But, the motivation for service shouldn’t be anger. Enjoy the service.?Service ought to be fulfilling and not a burden (at least not most of the time).
And one more, for an audience of one:
- Don’t take myself too seriously.
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1 年Thank you Mayor Watson - your service, foresight, and tenacity has contributed to making Austin a great city to live in, work and raise a family!
Together we’re transforming healthcare right here in the heart of Texas. *Post on LinkedIn are my own and not those of Ascension*
1 年Very excited about this, thank you for your leadership!