The Waters Are Parting!
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
A Word by Kathi Pelton
The body of Christ is in a time of a corporate “crossover.” Whether it involves a geographical move, a career move, or a ministry really doesn’t matter because there is a corporation “spiritual move” that is happening for all. This is a move of His Spirit that aligns us with God’s times and seasons. Though we can prophetically describe what we are seeing and sensing, no one really knows what is on the other side.
Some prophets are prophesying the greatest move of God the earth has ever seen and others are prophesying the overcoming of the darkest hours ever known but I’d like to suggest that it’s most likely not either/or but both/and.
In Psalm 23 we read the words, “He prepares a table for you in the presence of my enemies.” This may be the most accurate description of what is on the other side. I believe that we are in the midst of this massive crossover. We aren’t on the shores of where we were nor are we on the other side but we are crossing over on supernatural dry ground in the midst of what should overcome us or prevent us from getting to the other side.
The Father has set a table for us and had rung the dinner bell for all to come and feast at His table. It will be in the presence of our enemies. That does not need to cause you fear because God is with you and you do not have go focus on the enemy but rather in the One who has set a table for you. The battle in this new day and new land is different so our perspective needs to adjust. We must adjust from being “enemy focused” to being “Jesus focused!”
Battles will be won by hearing and obeying in a posture of peace and rest in His victory. This is not about your spiritual strength to overcome the enemy but about allowing His strength to be made known in the midst of human weakness. David didn’t defeat Goliath because of skill or strength but because He put His trust in the name of His God and stayed true to his identity.
Jericho’s walls shouldn’t have fallen because of a shout and Goliath shouldn’t have fallen because of a stone; yet the impossible fell because men did not put their trust in their weapons or their wisdom but in the name of their God!
This is how we must live in the new land. We feast at the table of the Lord with the whole family and we watch victories come as we trust in the name of our God! It’s not about the one man or one woman but about the whole family walking in oneness with our God.
Today, Anita Alexander (an Australian prophetic voice), saw a vision of the ocean waters standing up to salute the King. She said, “Creation is saluting the King!” This was so amazing because in November I was taken into a vision of the massive crossing over that was about to occur and in this encounter the rushing river that stood between the people and the promise land stood up like a soldier and saluted the people passing through. Creation was honoring (like an honor guard) the sons and daughters of the King. I believe both visions are happening in this hour.
We are being honored as we give all the glory and honor to our King. Creation will cooperate with “making a way where there is no way!” Miracles will not just be a prophetic metaphor from past times but a reality that are seen by all in present time.
We are moving from individual anointings into a corporate anointing. The focus is no longer about the individual pieces but about the oneness of the family being joined and in their right places to fulfill the prayer of Jesus in John 17; that we would be one just as they are one! Nations will be saved because of oneness! A harvest of souls will be saved because of a “family” that has made a home for those coming in. And walls will fall because we march and shout together!
Do not be discouraged by all the shifting. Do not allow the feelings of being disoriented by the unfamiliar to stop your forward movement. As you salute and honor your King, creation is saluting you as the heirs of the King. You are crossing over and though there are battles to be won ahead; there is a table set before you in the presence of your enemies. There will be enemies but there will be feasting.
You will learn to feast in the battle and rest in the storm because the King has been given the honor He deserves. For now, the waters are parting and standing up to make way for a procession of purity to enter the new land; for it is the pure in heart who will see God!
Step forth! Your faith and obedience has opened the way!