Climate Positive Feedback Loop =Water=H2O=1%=10000ppm+ =10000ppm+0,4g/kg/40 year
=10000ppm+400ppm in 40 year

Climate Positive Feedback Loop =Water=H2O=1%=10000ppm+ =10000ppm+0,4g/kg/40 year =10000ppm+400ppm in 40 year =10000ppm+10ppm/year

But :

There is H2O in rising specific humidity as an atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration

There is H2O in declining relative humidity as in cloudiness

There is cloudiness decline opening the atmospheric H2O-lock for more irradiation to enter the lower troposphere and reach earth/ocean surface for more global warming and more H2O evaporation to make specific humidity rise more in a positive feedback loop.


But increasing absolute humidity will drive the 100%RH red line closer to higher temperature and higher temperature will increase out radiation according the 4th order Stefan Boltzmann law :

Indeed 1% temperature rise (for 273+17°Celsius=290°Kelvin => +1%=+2,9°Celsius) will give 4% more outgoing longwave radiation (W/m2) for less cloudiness blocking the out radiation.

  • But as long as less cloudiness makes more extra irradiation than extra out radiation, atmosphere will see more global warming than cooling.
  • Soon as less cloudiness makes more extra out radiation than extra irradiation then atmosphere will see more global cooling than warming.

So :

  • With out radiation going now from 238W/m2 to 241W/m2

  • With irradiation 340Watt/m2-100Watt/m2=240Watt/m2 ...

We should get climate cooling soon ?

Anyway :

In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.

Quite comprehensive, my friend. Thank you.



