Waterfall (matrix system) transition into SAFE
Nowadays, a lot of companies tasted AGILE frameworks. Nevertheless, there are some giants that still use traditional approaches and matrix system of resource management. Decided to share one of my experiences in transforming from traditional management to SAFE. The most important reason how to explain plusses of going from Waterfall model to SAFE model for C-suite professionals.
There are several main preconditions:
1) All stakeholders, especially C-Suite (which will transform into Lean Leadership) should be pre-trained.
2) The model should be tried on small parts of business.
3) There must be a scenario to roll back, if something goes wrong.
4) The transition has to start from lessons learnt of Waterfall model minuses and blockers that company experience.
Plusses for Business Owners/C-Suite
1) Flow hierarchy will make the process of decision making and work delivery more transparent and flexible for results checking.
2) PI events will enable EPIC owners to control the situation better and influence the result of delivery.
3) Solution orientation will make resource allocation and usage transparent and effective for measuring and estimating business value.
4) All teams, units, blocks will be able to work and release will ready to deploy on demand and will have equal cadence.
5) Automatically, C-Suite in Waterfall will get into the role of Lean Leadership.
6) Delivery managers will be qualified to adopt their functions according to Agile PM working principles.
7) Since Sales managers are always responsible for monetization of what is produced in the company this role can go to Product Manager who is responsible for making the product profitable and competitive.
I am attaching an image of the the table of role changes which can seem quite illogical without details but I wouldn’t like to go into them within this article. There are a lot of other pieces of information which can be discussed. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly to challenge with questions.