Water-saving dishwashers, action cameras, dispute resolution, time-honored brands, must-haves, and short-haul inbound tourism
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Term to note from recent MOFCOM press events:
We noticed that the U.S. government announced adjustments to tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, reinstating Section 232 tariffs on trading partners and further increasing tariffs on aluminum products on the evening of February 10 in Eastern Time. The U.S. move is a typical manifestation of unilateralism and protectionism. Many countries have clearly expressed their opposition, and there are also strong oppositions within the U.S. In fact, a World Trade Organization panel ruled as early as 2022 that the U.S. Section 232 tariffs violated WTO rules. However, the U.S. has not only maintained its existing Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum, but has also further increased tariffs on aluminum products, seriously harming the rights and interests of other countries, seriously undermining the rules-based multilateral trading system, and causing an impact on the global supply chain.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)
Event quote:
On February 5, the 2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival successfully concluded. The festival adopted a “3+N” model for the first time, which included three main events, namely the launch ceremony of the 2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival in Jiangxi, Shanghai, Guangxi, the Silk Road E-commerce Spring Festival and the China (Guangxi)-ASEAN Online New Year Shopping Festival, and numerous supporting consumption activities across localities and platforms to stimulate consumption.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? “2025全国网上年货节”已于1月7日正式启动。 ... 与往届相比,本届年货节首次采用“3+N”形式,即以3场重点活动为主线,联动各地、各平台,围绕春节餐饮购物、文娱旅游等消费热点,举办更多更具特色的消费活动,共同迎接蛇年新春。?
The 2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival was officially launched on January 7 [2025]. ... Compared with previous festivals, the festival adopts a “3+N” model for the first time, which means three main events and more distinctive consumption activities across localities and platforms focusing on consumption highlights like dining, shopping, entertainment, and tourism to celebrate the Spring Festival of the Year of the Snake.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 9, 2025)
Event quote:
The Ministry of Commerce promoted 10 time-honored brands Fairs, which registered sales of more than 500 million yuan, driving online and offline consumption of more than 1.6 billion yuan. In particular, the consumption at time-honored restaurants increased by 13.8% year-on-year. Different localities focused on the "must buy products" of time-honored brands to stimulate the consumption during the festival.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们将深挖老字号文化底蕴,提升老字号发展能力,打造更多“必购必带”的特色商品,推动老字号做精做强。?
We will explore the cultural traditions embodied in different Chinese time-honored brands to design more “must-buy” featured products and enhance their distinctive brand value.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 1, 2024)?
Event quote:
As always, China’s approach to the issue of the Unreliable Entities List has been prudent. It lists only a small number of foreign entities that undermine market rules and violate Chinese laws. Foreign entities that are honest and law-abiding have nothing to worry about. The Chinese government, as always, welcomes foreign companies’ investment and operation in China, and is committed to providing a stable, fair and predictable business environment for law-abiding foreign companies in China.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 关于不可靠实体清单,美国PVH集团和因美纳公司存在违反正常的市场交易原则,中断与中国企业的正常交易,对中国企业采取歧视性措施等行为,中方依法将上述两家实体列入不可靠实体清单。后续中方将依据相关法律法规,对上述实体采取相应措施。中方一贯审慎处理出口管制和不可靠实体清单问题。中国政府一如既往地愿与世界各国加强交流合作,共同维护全球产业链、供应链安全和稳定,欢迎世界各国企业来华投资兴业,并致力于为守法合规的外资企业在华经营提供稳定、公平和可预期的营商环境。?
As for the Unreliable Entity List, the US PVH Group and Illumina have violated normal market trading principles, terminating normal transactions with Chinese companies, and taking discriminatory measures against Chinese companies. China has added these two entities to the UEL in accordance with the law. In the future, China will take corresponding measures against these entities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. China has always approached export control and the Unreliable Entity List with prudence. The Chinese government is ready to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries to jointly safeguard the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains. We encourage foreign companies to invest and do business in China, and are committed to providing a stable, fair and predictable business environment for law-abiding foreign companies operating in China.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 6, 2025)?
?? 不可靠实体清单工作机制正在依法有序推进针对美国PVH集团的调查工作。调查期间,我们将充分保护PVH集团陈述、申辩权利。之后,工作机制将依照《不可靠实体清单规定》,根据调查情况作出相应决定。?
The mechanism of Unreliable Entity List is working in an orderly manner to advance the investigation of the American PVH Group in accordance with the law. During the investigation, we will fully protect the rights of the PVH Group to make statements or defenses. Later, the mechanism will make a corresponding decision based on the investigation findings in accordance with the provisions of the List.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_October 24, 2024)?
?? 我要强调的是,中国政府坚定不移推进高水平对外开放,坚定维护多边贸易体制,坚定维护各类市场经营主体合法权益。中国一贯审慎处理不可靠实体清单问题,仅针对极少数破坏市场规则并违反中国法律的外国实体,诚信守法的外国实体完全无需担心。?
Let me stress that the Chinese government is firmly committed to advancing high-standard opening up, upholding the multilateral trading system and defending the lawful rights and interests of various kinds of market entities. China always prudently handles issues related to the unreliable entity list, which only targets the very few foreign entities that undermine market rules and violate Chinese laws. There’s nothing to worry about for honest and law-abiding foreign entities.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 25, 2024)?
?? 定不移推进高水平对外开放,坚定维护多边贸易体制,坚定维护各类市场经营主体合法权益。中方一贯审慎处理不可靠实体清单问题,仅针对极少数危害我国家安全的外国实体,诚信守法的外国实体完全无需担心。中国政府一如既往地欢迎世界各国企业来华投资兴业,并致力于为守法合规的外资企业在华经营提供稳定、公平和可预期的营商环境。?
The Chinese government is committed to promoting high-level opening-up, upholding the multilateral trading system and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of all market operators. As always, China approaches the list of unreliable entities with prudence, targeting only a handful of foreign entities that threaten China's national security. Foreign entities that are honest and law-abiding have nothing to worry about. The Chinese government, as always, welcomes foreign investment, and is committed to providing a stable, fair and predictable business environment for law-abiding foreign companies operating in China.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_May 23, 2024)
During the [2025] Spring Festival holiday, short-haul inbound tourism orders from Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand grew by 130%, while long-haul inbound tourism orders from Europe and the United States increased by 120%.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)
Event quote:
According to the big data monitoring of key e-commerce platforms, during the festival [2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival], the daily average online retail sales in China increased by 6.2% year-on-year, ushering a good start of online consumption in 2025.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 去年我们运用人工智能、大数据等新技术新手段,大幅提升了全国APP技术检测平台自动化检测能力,累计对208万款APP进行技术检测,应该说基本实现了对国内主要互联网企业APP的全覆盖。?
Last year, with artificial intelligence, big data, and other new technologies, the capability of automatic examination of the national platform for technological examination of apps has improved greatly. 2.08 million apps were examined, which basically covered all apps of major internet companies in China.? (SCIO briefing on the development of industry and information technology in 2021_2022_01_20)?
?? 我们对一些小微企业用电的大数据监测也显示,去年1-11月份,我们小微企业的用电量同比增长了9.6%,49.4%的企业用电量超过了上一年的同期水平,反映出生产比较活跃。?
Big data based on monitoring small and micro businesses' power consumption also showed that from January to November of last year, the power consumption of these firms increased 9.6% year-on-year, and 49.4% of these firms registered a higher power consumption compared to the same period of the previous year, reflecting relatively high productivity.? (SCIO briefing on the development of industry and information technology in 2021_2022_01_20)?
?? 我们要加强人工智能、大数据、云计算等高技术领域合作,让六国人民享受高技术带来的便利。?
We also need to strengthen cooperation in artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other high-tech sectors so that our peoples could enjoy the convenience enabled by high technologies.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Virtual Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Central Asian Countries_习近平在中国同中亚五国建交30周年视频峰会上的讲话_2022_01_25)?
?? 商务大数据对重点跨境电商进口平台监测显示,原产自日本、美国、韩国的商品进口额排名前三。?
Business big data on main cross-border e-commerce import platforms show that Japan, the United States, and South Korea are the top three sources of import.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_October 28, 2021)
Dine-in consumption at restaurants and eateries is robust.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)
During the [2025] Spring Festival holiday, short-haul inbound tourism orders from Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand grew by 130%, while long-haul inbound tourism orders from Europe and the United States increased by 120%.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)
Event quote:
The time-honored brands have a long history and have been passed down from generation to generation. They embody the fine traditional Chinese culture and have become an important part of people’s daily life. The Ministry of Commerce is holding the "Time-honored Brands Carnival" for the sixth year, with the theme on “time-honored chic Chinese brands”. Since the launch of the campaign on January 7, different localities and e-commerce platforms have launched more than 100 activities for the Spring Festival consumption season to expand the supply of products and meet the needs of consumers. The main features are as follows: First, rich activities on integrated Spring Festival goods platforms. The Ministry of Commerce promoted 10 time-honored brands Fairs, which registered sales of more than 500 million yuan, driving online and offline consumption of more than 1.6 billion yuan. In particular, the consumption at time-honored restaurants increased by 13.8% year-on-year. Different localities focused on the "must buy products" of time-honored brands to stimulate the consumption during the festival. Zhejiang held the Spring Festival consumption season, organizing more than 300 time-honored brands to put on exhibitions that registered sales of more than 50 million yuan and fueled a 12% increase in the turnover of business districts in the neighborhood. Hunan held "Time-honored Brands Carnival and Chinese chic Fair", realizing sales of nearly 30 million yuan, with intended deal of over 80 million yuan. Second, online-offline integration and new consumption scenarios. Local governments worked with e-commerce platforms to create new consumption scenarios, such as interaction, VR, and livestreaming, bringing fresh image to the time-honored brands. Tianjin held the "Time-honored Brands University Tour", organizing time-honored brands in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei to enter universities. They also built digital platforms to tell stories of the time-honored brands, which allowed teachers and students to feel the charm of time-honored brands through interactive experiences. The "Time-honored Brands Carnival" in Qinghai attracted 269,200 consumers during the Spring Festival Shopping Season. They launched special activities such as "time-honored shops visits" and live-stream activities, with related video clips played 1.89 million times. Third, high-quality supply to meet diversified consumer needs. Local governments and e-commerce platforms take various measures to promote the product quality and service provision of time-honored brands. Guangdong held the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Time-honored Brands Carnival, which achieved sales of nearly 150 million yuan. It’s worth mentioning that themed activities such as "TCM Time-honored Brands Overseas Promotion" were warmly received by domestic and foreign tourists. Shanxi organized 11 cities to jointly promote time-honored brand products, and achieved sales of over 3 million yuan. In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to advance the "Time-honored Brands Carnival", and encourage relevant authorities to continue to launch all kinds of exhibitions, display and experience activities, so that fine traditional Chinese culture can better integrate into people’s daily lives, and drive the consumption of Chinese chic products.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 总体看,本届年货节呈现四方面特点:一是更加注重品质消费。各地顺应生活品质升级需求,在保障生活必需品供应基础上,增加老字号、国货潮品、在线旅游等优质商品和服务供给。?
Overall, the New Year Shopping Festival exhibits four characteristics:First, highlighting premium consumption. On the basis of ensuring the supply of necessities, various regions respond to the demand for upgrading living standards by increasing the supply of quality products and services such as time-honored brands, trendy domestic products, and online travel experiences.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 9, 2025)?
?? 老字号承载着中华优秀传统文化,植根于百姓日常生活,也是国货“潮品”的重要组成。近日,商务部会同相关部门公布了第三批中华老字号名单,正式认定382个品牌为中华老字号,全国老字号数量达到1455个。就在昨天,我们联合福建省人民政府在福州举办了2024年全国“老字号嘉年华”启动仪式,现场组织商品展销、技艺展示等活动。下一步,商务部将从以下四个方面推动老字号守正创新发展,促进国货“潮品”消费。一是“线上线下”办好活动。我们将全年持续推进“老字号嘉年华”活动,打造更多沉浸式、体验式消费场景,把国货“潮品”送进千家万户。二是“有进有出”动态管理。我们将运用大数据手段密切跟踪监测老字号经营情况等,持续加强中华老字号日常管理。三是“量体裁衣”赋能发展。我们将深挖老字号文化底蕴,提升老字号发展能力,打造更多“必购必带”的特色商品,推动老字号做精做强。四是“身临其境”讲好故事。我们将持续完善“老字号数字博物馆”,讲好老字号传承故事。打造品味老字号、感悟中华优秀传统文化的“一站式”体验场所。?
The time-honored brands reflect the best of Chinese cultural traditions and heritage. They are closely related to people’s daily lives and indispensable for the Chinese fashion consumption. Recently, MOFCOM and relevant government departments jointly released the third batch of China’s time-honored brands, giving formal recognition to 382 Chinese brands. There are a total of 1455 time-honored brands in China so far. Yesterday, MOFCOM and Fujian Provincial People’s Government held the launch ceremony of the National Time-Honored Brands Carnival 2024, where an array of products and artistic skills were exhibited. In the next step, MOFCOM will focus on the following four aspects to advance the innovation of Chinese time-honored brands and boost Chinese fashion consumption. First, arranging both online and on-site events. We will host a number of events for the Time-Honored Brands Carnival throughout the year to provide more immersive consumption scenarios of Chinese fashion for consumers across the nation. Second, adopting a dynamic management approach. We will use big data technologies to closely follow the business operations of time-honored brands, so as to enhance their daily management. Third, advancing customized development. We will explore the cultural traditions embodied in different Chinese time-honored brands to design more “must-buy” featured products and enhance their distinctive brand value. Fourth, promoting fine traditional Chinese culture. We will keep improving the “time-honored digital museum” to demonstrate how time-honored brands have carried forward the Chinese traditions. We will also build venues for visitors to have one-stop experience about these brands and the fine traditional culture behind them.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 1, 2024)?
?? 老字号是我国工商业发展历史中孕育的“金字招牌”,既有很高的经济价值,也有丰富的文化价值,已成为老百姓生活“日用而不觉”的重要组成。商务部于2006年、2011年先后认定两批共1128个中华老字号品牌,联合相关部门持续出政策、办活动、搭平台。正如你刚才提到的,第六届进博会期间,我们举办了第三届中华老字号创新发展大会,邀请知名专家学者、相关领域专业机构、老字号企业家代表分享交流经验,组织老字号技艺传承人现场展示传统技艺,发布中华老字号企业发展情况。2022年,中华老字号企业努力克服疫情影响,实现营业收入超1.2万亿元,近7成企业实现盈利。今年前三季度,营业收入已超过2022年全年水平,发展势头良好。同时,也有部分企业因为经营不善等原因,已经退出了市场。为推动中华老字号顺应市场机制、持续健康发展,根据《中华老字号示范创建管理办法》,今年4月,商务部联合文化和旅游部、市场监管总局、国家知识产权局、国家文物局,部署开展中华老字号示范创建,坚持“优中选优”的工作原则,建立实施“有进有出”的动态管理机制,对已有中华老字号进行全面复核。近期,经企业自查、地方初核、专家评审、社会公示等程序,商务部联合相关部门公布中华老字号复核结果,将长期经营不善,甚至已经破产、注销、倒闭,或者丧失老字号注册商标所有权、使用权的55个品牌,移出中华老字号名录;对经营不佳、业绩下滑的73个品牌,要求6个月予以整改;继续保留1000个经营规范、发展良好的品牌。后续,商务部将会同相关部门,进一步建立健全老字号保护传承和创新发展的长效机制,推动老字号深挖文化底蕴,对标先进理念,守正创新发展,更好发挥示范作用。?
Time-honored brands are the golden brands nurtured in the development course of China’s industry and commerce. With high economic and cultural value, they play an important role in people’s daily life. In 2006 and 2011, MOFCOM successively identified 1,128 time-honored brands in two batches. In collaboration with relevant ministries, MOFCOM continued to develop policies, organize activities and build platforms. As you just mentioned, during the sixth CIIE, we held the third China Time-honored Brand Innovation and Development Conference, inviting well-known experts and scholars, professional institutions in relevant fields, and representatives of time-honored brand holders to share and exchange experience, organizing skill inheritors of time-honored brands to show traditional skills, and publishing the development of time-honored brands. In 2022, time-honored brand holders worked hard to overcome the impact of the epidemic, with operating revenue topping 1.2 trillion yuan. Nearly 70% of enterprises were profitable. In the first three quarters of this year, the revenue has exceeded the level of the whole year of 2022 and maintained a robust momentum. At the same time, some enterprises have withdrawn from the market due to poor management and other reasons. In order to help China’s time-honored brands adapt to the market mechanism and achieve sustained and healthy development, according to the Administrative Measures for the Development of Model China Time-honored Brands, in April this year, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Intellectual Property Administration and the National Cultural Heritage Administration, arranged for the creation of model China time-honored brands, adhered to the principle of "selecting the best of the best", established and implemented a dynamic management mechanism as brands could be removed and added, and conducted a comprehensive review of existing China time-honored brands. Recently, through the steps of business self-review, local initial examination, expert review and public announcement, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, announced the results of the review on China time-honored brands, and removed 55 brands that had been poorly managed for a long time, or went bankrupt, or were de-registered or closed, or lost the ownership and right to use the registered trademarks of time-honored brands from the list of China time-honored brands. 73 brands with poor management and declining performance are required to address their problems within 6 months. 1,000 brands with sound operation and development are retained. For the follow-up work, the Ministry of Commerce will work with relevant departments to further establish and improve a long-term mechanism for the protection, inheritance and innovative development of time-honored brands, help them further develop their cultural heritage, benchmark against advanced concepts, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, and give better play to their exemplary roles.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 9, 2023)?
?? 是我国工商业发展中孕育的“金字招牌”,既承载着中华优秀传统文化,也饱含着人们对于“烟火气”的记忆,具有广泛的群众基础和丰富的经济文化价值。?
The China Time-honored Brands are the pacesetters of Chinese industrial and commercial development, which embody a mix of the fine tradition of Chinese culture, reminiscences of the hustle and bustle of life, and rich economic and cultural value, thus popular among consumers.?(MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 6, 2023)
Event quote:
On February 5, the 2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival successfully concluded. The festival adopted a “3+N” model for the first time, which included three main events, namely the launch ceremony of the 2025 National Online New Year Shopping Festival in Jiangxi, Shanghai, Guangxi, the Silk Road E-commerce Spring Festival and the China (Guangxi)-ASEAN Online New Year Shopping Festival, and numerous supporting consumption activities across localities and platforms to stimulate consumption. According to the big data monitoring of key e-commerce platforms, during the festival, the daily average online retail sales in China increased by 6.2% year-on-year, ushering a good start of online consumption in 2025. This year’s festival has a variety of highlights. First, new hotspots created by favorable policies. The expanded trade-in program has paid off expeditiously. Various localities have made diverse efforts to subsidize the purchase of consumer goods and facilitate recycling of replaced ones in light of the consumer demand during the festival. Online sales of dishwashers and water purifiers increased by 71.8% and 47.4% respectively. Favorable visa-free policies and the extension of holidays have driven the rapid growth of cross-border tourism. Special activities such as “Winter Tour” and “Spring Festival Tour in China” have boosted both inbound and outbound trips. Online travel sales increased by 35.2%, including a 72.3% increase in outbound visits. During the Spring Festival holiday, short-haul inbound tourism orders from Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand grew by 130%, while long-haul inbound tourism orders from Europe and the United States increased by 120%. Second, new trends led by intangible cultural heritage. The first intangible cultural heritage-tagged Spring Festival has given a strong boost to spending on domestic brands with Chinese design elements. Localities have held various activities focused on the traditional cultural elements such as customs and tastes of the Chinese New Year. Online sales of intangible cultural heritage goods such as crafts based on the Legend of the White Snake, lanterns and others grew rapidly. Online sales of tourism products such as intangible cultural heritage shows and folk fairs have gone through the roof during the Spring Festival holiday, increasing by 407.7% and 109.8% respectively. The key monitoring platforms show that orders for the Yingge Dance and fire pot shows have doubled. Third, new supply driven by premium quality. Healthy organic products are popular. During the Spring Festival holiday, sales of fat reducers and stair steppers increased by 98.3% and 93.8%, while sales of organic condiments and organic milk grew by 81.5% and 44.4%. Health products become a new trend during the Spring Festival. Premium goods from around the world were well received. Guangxi, Shandong and Shanghai leveraged their geographical advantages to bring high-quality products from ASEAN and Central Asia to the Chinese market. Spending on Italian chocolate candies and Malaysian biscuits and cakes increased by 134.3% and 73.4% respectively. Fourth, new experience driven by online shopping. Dine-in consumption at restaurants and eateries is robust. Online catering sales increased by 11.8% while the dine-in catering grew faster. According to the key monitoring platforms, New Year’s Eve dinner bookings increased by 35.4%. Online entertainment is booming. The Spring Festival film market hits records high, driving online spending on entertainment up by 55.5%.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 下一步,商务部将深入贯彻落实中央经济工作会议精神,立足商务工作“三个重要”定位,把扩消费和惠民生结合起来,大力实施提振消费专项行动,推出更多务实举措,持续释放消费潜力,重点做好以下几方面工作。 ... 二是创新举办商旅文体健融合的促消费活动,岁末年初将组织开展好冰雪消费季、全国网上年货节、消费促进月等重点活动。?
Going forward, MOFCOM will implement thoroughly the guiding principles of the Conference, focus on the three important positions of the commerce work, and combine consumption expansion with benefiting the people to vigorously implement the special campaign dedicated to stimulating consumption, roll out more practical measures, and continuously unleash consumption potential. We will focus on the following work: ... Secondly, we will organize innovative consumption promotion events that integrate commerce, tourism, culture, sports and fitness. At the turn of the year, we will organize key events such as ice and snow consumption season, the national online shopping festival, and the consumption promotion month;? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 19, 2024)?
?? 这是商务部自2021年以来,连续第4年举办“全国网上年货节”,已经成为年味特色浓厚、带动作用显著的网络促销品牌。接下来,我们还将举办“双品网购节”“数商兴农庆丰收”“丝路云品电商节”等主题促销,打造季季有亮点、全年不停歇的网络促销矩阵,更好满足广大消费者期待。?
Since 2021, MOFCOM has held the Chinese New Year Online Shopping Festival for four years in a row, which has become an online promotion brand and a strong driving force for consumption during the Spring Festival. Next, we will hold a series of promotion activities such as the Brand and Quality Online Shopping Festival, Farmers’ Harvest Festival via Digital Commerce and Silk Road E-commerce Festival to better meet the expectations of consumers.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 22, 2024)?
?? “2023全国网上年货节”将于2022年12月30日至2023年1月28日举办,这也是商务部连续第三年会同相关单位共同指导举办该活动,目的就是聚焦人民美好生活需要和年货采购需求,努力保障人民群众度过一个欢乐祥和的新春佳节。目前,各地正在积极组织电商平台、生产制造、快递物流企业,紧锣密鼓地策划配套活动。“2023全国网上年货节”有以下三个特点:一是横跨双节的巧合让节庆氛围更浓。本次年货节恰好横跨元旦、春节两大佳节。这样的时间巧合,无论对于广大消费者还是企业来说,都是非常有益的:消费者可以有更多的闲暇时间横向比较、精心挑选,从而获得更多实惠;企业也可以对促销时点、重点品类等进行统筹安排,更好激发线上消费活力。二是主分会场的设置充分体现协同联动。我们选定广东作为本次年货节的主会场,届时,各大电商平台将开展集中展示发布。各地分会场也将举办各具特色的配套活动。如广西将举办“新丝路跨年电商节晚会”,为消费者呈现具有少数民族特色的消费新场景;北京将推出“京京有味”、“京年有戏”等多个板块,打出线上线下融合促销组合拳;辽宁设计了以“辽播四海商、广带天下货”为主题的一系列电商促消费活动。各地将共同行动,为消费者带来丰富多彩的网络促销活动。三是市场主体的踊跃参与让新春促销更具新意。在商务部等部门的指导和各地积极动员下,相关企业聚焦提升消费者线上采购年货体验,推出了实折实扣、满减满赠等让利活动以及各具特色的促销方案,如有的推出“跨年狂欢夜”主题,有的主打“可信赖”特质,有的探索建设“半小时线上便民生活圈”,有的举办“数商兴农”专场和线上大集等,相信会更好满足大家的新春期待。?
The 2023 Online Lunar New Year’s Shopping Festival will last from December 30, 2022 to January 28, 2023. The Shopping Festival has been held for three years in a row by MOFCOM and relevant departments, with a view to satisfying people’s aspiration for a better life and their purchase needs during the holiday, so that they can have a happy Chinese New Year. Currently, local authorities are guiding e-commerce platforms, producers and logistics companies to design supporting events for the Shopping Festival. This year, the Festival has three features:? First, this year, the Shopping Festival covers both the New Year holiday and the Spring Festival, a delightful coincidence which boosts an air of festivity, and benefits both consumers and businesses. Consumers may have more spare time to compare and select products to get the best deals; whereas businesses may set up timetables for sales promotion events and plans for key product categories, so as to fully unleash online consumption vitality. Second, the setting of the main and sub venues fully reflects coordination between different localities. We have selected Guangdong as the main venue for the Shopping Festival, where major e-commerce platforms will launch and present their products. Sub venues across the country will also hold supporting events with distinctive features. For example, Guangxi will hold the “New Silk Road New Year E-Commerce Festival Gala”, to provide consumers with new consumption scenarios with characteristics of ethnic minorities; Beijing will launch “Taste in Beijing”, “Drama in Beijing” and other segments, combining online and on-site activities to promote consumption; Liaoning has designed various e-commerce promotion events, including Liaoning e-commerce live streaming events. With concerted actions, we aim to bring diverse online promotion events to consumers. Third, active participation by market players makes sales promotion more innovative. Guided by MOFCOM and other relevant departments, and mobilized by local authorities, businesses have offered discounts to consumers and come up with various promotion plans to enhance consumers’ online shopping experience, including putting forward the theme of “New Year Gala”, focusing on the quality of “credibility”, exploring a “30-minute online service circle”, and hosting special sessions for “digital commerce for agriculture” and online market fairs, to name but a few. We believe that these events will better satisfy public expectations for the Spring Festival.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 29, 2022)?
?? 为期29天的“2022全国网上年货节”刚刚结束。本次年货节遵循“政府指导、企业为主、市场化运作”原则,同步举办“上海合作组织国家特色商品电商直播活动”,取得明显成效。?
The 29-day Online Chinese New Year Shopping Festival 2022 has just concluded. It was held under government guidance, led by the business entities, and followed market principles. The SCO Specialty E-commerce Live Streaming Event was held during the same period and worked effectively.? (Regular Press Conference of MOFCOM_ February 10, 2022)?
Event quote:
Local governments worked with e-commerce platforms to create new consumption scenarios, such as interaction, VR, and livestreaming, bringing fresh image to the time-honored brands.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 网络大数据、云计算、人工智能、VR、AR等信息技术突飞猛进,推动网络传播方法手段、载体渠道不断创新,传播主渠道更加移动化、表达方式更加大众化、传播形式更加多样化,技术先进、样态新颖的融媒体产品持续涌现,好声音成为中国网络空间“最强音”,传播得更快更广更远、更加深入人心。?
Big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and other information technologies are making great progress and expediting innovations in the means and channels of online communication. The public communication media are relying more on mobile devices, employing more engaging ways of expression, and diversifying in form. More and more integrated media products that employ advanced technologies and original designs have emerged. The Party’s voice is spreading faster, farther, and wider, becoming the strongest on the internet in China, and winning wide popular support.? (White_Paper_Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07)
Event quote:
Online entertainment is booming. The [2025] Spring Festival film market hits records high, driving online spending on entertainment up by 55.5%.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 根据商务大数据监测情况,2021年我国网络零售市场主要有以下特点: ... 在线文娱市场快速恢复,在线文娱场次数同比增长1.2倍。?
According to commerce big data monitoring, China’s online retail market showed the following characteristics in 2021.? ... Online culture and entertainment market recovered rapidly, with the number of events up 1.2 times year-on-year.? MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 27, 2022
Event quote:
The unilateral tariff imposed by the US on February 1 [2025] violates WTO rules. China has resorted to the WTO dispute settlement mechanism on February 4. The case will be processed in accordance with WTO rules and procedures.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 13, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 要把发展置于国际经贸议程中心地位,持续推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,要继续推进世界贸易组织改革,反对单边主义、保护主义,推动争端解决机制尽快恢复正常运转,并将《促进发展的投资便利化协定》纳入世界贸易组织规则框架,早日就电子商务协定达成一致。?
We should place development at the center of the international economic and trade agenda, and steadily advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. We should press ahead with reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO), oppose unilateralism and protectionism, restore the normal functioning of the dispute settlement mechanism as soon as possible, include the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement into the WTO legal framework, and reach early consensus on the e-commerce agreement.?(Xi_Jinping_Speech_Working Together for a Fair and Equitable Global Governance System_携手构建公正合理的全球治理体系_at the Session II of the 19th G20 Summit on the Reform of the Institutions of Global Governance [2024.11.18] )?
?? 菲方违背同中方通过双边协商谈判解决南海有关争议的共识,违反《南海各方行为宣言》有关由直接相关当事国通过协商谈判和平解决争议的规定,滥用《联合国海洋法公约》争端解决机制、无视中方所作排除性声明,执意对中方提起南海仲裁案,中方自始至终不接受、不参与。?
The Philippines breached the common understandings it had reached with China on resolving the disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral consultation and negotiation. The Philippines violated the article of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) which states that the disputes should be resolved by peaceful means through consultations and negotiations by sovereign States directly concerned. The Philippines abused the UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanism, ignored China’s declaration which, according to UNCLOS, excludes maritime delimitation from compulsory dispute settlement procedures, and insisted on initiating the arbitration. China has never accepted or taken part in the case.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2024)?
?? 去年以来,中方同有关国家签署了《关于建立国际调解院的联合声明》,将共同发起建立国际调解院。 ... 国际调解院是对现有争端解决机构和争端解决方式的有益补充,将为和平解决国际争端提供一个新的平台。?
Since last year [2022], China has signed the Joint Statement on the Establishment of the International Organization for Mediation (IOMed) with relevant countries to initiate such an organization. ... The IOMed will be an inter-governmental, treaty-based international legal organization established through consultations among all parties. It is committed to provide friendly, flexible, cost-effective and convenient mediation services for international disputes.? It will be a useful supplement to the existing dispute resolution institutions and means of dispute resolution, providing a new platform for the peaceful settlement of international disputes.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 17, 2023)?
?? 我们愿与澳方相向而行,在大麦案争端解决的基础上,进一步增强互信和合作,充分照顾彼此关切,推动“一揽子”解决葡萄酒案和中方诉澳3种产品反倾销反补贴措施案等。?
We are ready to work with Australia to enhance mutual trust and cooperation on the basis of the settlement of the barley dispute, fully accommodate each other's concerns, and find a package solution of the wine case and the anti-dumping and countervailing measures against the three products brought by China against Australia.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)
... 新型消费蓬勃发展。数字、绿色、智能、健康等新型消费备受青睐,部分企业节能洗干一体机、新风空调、智能扫地机器人、节水洗碗机、运动相机等销售同比增长超一倍;一些企业运用人工智能技术,打造智能试衣间、数字体验馆等沉浸式消费场景,更好响应消费者个性化需求。?
... New forms of consumption are thriving. Digital, green, intelligent, and health consumption are gaining popularity. Sales of energy-efficient all-in-one washers and dryers, air conditioners with fresh air systems, smart robot vacuum cleaners, water-saving dishwashers, and action cameras by some businesses grow by more than 100% year on year. Some companies used artificial intelligence technology to create smart fitting rooms and digital experience centers, providing immersive consumption experiences that better meet the personalized needs of consumers. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 14, 2024)
?... 新型消费蓬勃发展。数字、绿色、智能、健康等新型消费备受青睐,部分企业节能洗干一体机、新风空调、智能扫地机器人、节水洗碗机、运动相机等销售同比增长超一倍;一些企业运用人工智能技术,打造智能试衣间、数字体验馆等沉浸式消费场景,更好响应消费者个性化需求。?
... New forms of consumption are thriving. Digital, green, intelligent, and health consumption are gaining popularity. Sales of energy-efficient all-in-one washers and dryers, air conditioners with fresh air systems, smart robot vacuum cleaners, water-saving dishwashers, and action cameras by some businesses grow by more than 100% year on year. Some companies used artificial intelligence technology to create smart fitting rooms and digital experience centers, providing immersive consumption experiences that better meet the personalized needs of consumers. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 14, 2024)
... 新型消费蓬勃发展。数字、绿色、智能、健康等新型消费备受青睐,部分企业节能洗干一体机、新风空调、智能扫地机器人、节水洗碗机、运动相机等销售同比增长超一倍;一些企业运用人工智能技术,打造智能试衣间、数字体验馆等沉浸式消费场景,更好响应消费者个性化需求。
... New forms of consumption are thriving. Digital, green, intelligent, and health consumption are gaining popularity. Sales of energy-efficient all-in-one washers and dryers, air conditioners with fresh air systems, smart robot vacuum cleaners, water-saving dishwashers, and action cameras by some businesses grow by more than 100% year on year. Some companies used artificial intelligence technology to create smart fitting rooms and digital experience centers, providing immersive consumption experiences that better meet the personalized needs of consumers. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_November 14, 2024)
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