Water Runs or Flows ?
Ever heard of water orchestra at our homes ?
Let me explain what's a usual scene, seasons where family gathering often happened whether its a naming ceremony, Pooja, festivities where everyone is summoned via the good old landline phones which was a medium of reel like conversations across the spectrum of the family tree,basically Gossip !!
As a child i was aware of 3 phases of a function. Let me break down the cherished chaos. It begins with where i'm incharge with a troop made to distribute Lemon less water juice and those privileged uncles and aunt that get it delivered to their seats, these typically escape the welcome drink that we forcefully give where they negotiate pouring half to another glass.Meanwhile at the table we are having fun whirlpooling the vessel tub to watch the lemon seeds touch the bottom & sugar dissolve with a spoon, experimenting adding tulsi leaves to the vortex we grabbed from outside the house.
While this is happening the girls are happily sprinkling fragrance rose water, dripping people's well pressed clothes and figuring out how this tool works actually.Boys were denied this task and we ended up picking up this abstract art with fountain pens on friends uniform. At the background of all this, there are little children that are running around, house dogs howling for being chained away, smoke from havan resulting in teary eyes along the lines of discussions of Property, family Politics, Money & Gold.
The tap opens at jet speed hits an empty vessel like a drummer doing a solo open act before the band joins in. And this vessel is a open tank / every flowing water fountain to dip water in and out for all the cooking happening,the running water gushing pile of vessels with sound of Cymbals, the backup buckets overflowing to be relayed across, the mops like bass guitar leaning to the walls
There is a narrow time window here, we were given ladoos generously to sit in a corner to relish. Once those saree pallus embraces around the waist and gets tucked in, there is a serious cleanup marathon that kids can't come in-between. There are trumpet like war cry from children,those who ventured into line of action to ask sweets having missed,get swirled around whacked in the ass & sent out, those kids are the metal rock band lead singers.
Water orchestra happens even today in our apartmentilized lives in cities. I had this experience myself while doing the dishes, i observed how my mindset was about speed to finish chores at the cost of making water Run. I noticed how my personal behavior of scrubbing under the running water tap of my plate can be totally avoided.
I began to take a slow deeper breath before i start and turn on the tap, to make water FLOW & NOT RUN. Water has memory and i took this step to treat water right !! I shifted my mind to think the slower the water flows, the better it is to me as a cleanup experience to my mind.
Today family gathering are about conversations around water availability during summers, property that has water, Family politics, Money and Borewells. If the kid goes and says dont waste as taught in school, there will be a laughter in the air and appreciated for being studious and attentive in class.
On a ending note, I believe children shouldn't be incharge of lemon juice station at functions, i clearly remember people asking me if there is sugar. We confidently saying NO SUGAR, thinking the good work down by dissolving sugar till it disappears = NO SUGAR.It takes time & age to understand why they asked sugar and understand the whole science of Diabetes.
Closing lines - "Make water flow happily to everyone's lives and avoid it to run away from us"